Damon Edit

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*since Katherine and elena are the same person. I have changed line were people say elena to Katherine. Also Katherine got adopted into the Gilbert family so still counts them as family*

"Next up. We have a edit about Damon Salvatore. The edit is called Damon Salvatore|Me Too (humor)." said the Voice.

(being said in video)
(actions in video)

Damon shows up looking at Stefan

Damon: Hello brother.

Damon smirked this is how it all started.

Katherine was nervous as she never told her dad's a lot about her life. They knew she was a vampire but they didn't know how she was when she had no emotions, or what her she gets put though.

While Older Remus and Sirius were excited to see some of their daughters life.


Katherine and Jenna are talking in the kitchen

Katherine tensed at seeing Jenna again.

Damon held her closer to him when he seen this.

Regulus also seen this and was still holding her hand from the last edit so he squeezed her hand.

Jenna: He is ridiculous hot.

Katherine: Shhhh.

Damon can hear them and smirks

"I knew you were listening in!" shouted Katherine.

Damon just shaked his head while smiling.

The Marauders Era people were wondering who Katherine lived with. They knew who died, that Sirius went to Azkaban and Remus wasn't allowed to take care of her or Harry because he was a werewolf.

Katherine and Jenna in kitchen talking

Katherine: He's an ass.

Damon rolls his eyes

"Rude." scoffed Damon.

"I mean i was dating your brother at that point." pointed out Katherine.

"I'm sorry. You what!" shouted everyone but Damon.

"It's a long story. Maybe some other time." said Katherine while Damon nodded agreeing with her.

Mason and Damon talking

Mason: We haven't met. Mason Lockwood.

Damon: Oh sure. Hey Damon Salvatore.

Who's that sexy thing I see over there?

Mason: I know. I've heard great things about you.

That's me, standin' in the mirror

Damon: Really? That's weird.. Cause I'm a dick.

Everyone laughed at that.

Katherine was shaking her head at her boyfriends antics.

What's that icy thing hanging 'round my neck?

Damon talking to someone

Damon: I'm going to go get a drink. Hunt me down. When you stop being a dick.

Regulus laughed he decided he liked his niece's boyfriend.

Um, that's gold, show me some respect, oh

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