In the same dormitory

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After the trial, the remaining students headed to their dorms, while Mondo, Chihiro and Taka stayed behind to help the last one.

Mondo: "I still can't believe it, that bitch Celest!"
Mondo is still angry after what they found out during the trial

Chihiro: "Mondo please calm down" Chihiro grabs Mondo's arm

Mondo: "how can I calm down!? Not only she manipulate Hifumi in an attempt to kill Taka, but also said some bullshit against him!! I preferred that shitty witch died slowly burning in the flames!"

Taka: "Mondo!"

The touch on his shoulder makes the motorcyclist turn towards to Taka who was looking at him seriously

Taka: "listen, I know she did something wrong, but she didn't deserve to die like that. And even if she did something despicable for that reason. (He refers to the motive of the fourth chapter) we are still kids Mondo, and none of us deserve such a punishment"

Mondo remains silent, he knows that deep down Taka is right, all of them found themselves in that situation because the mastermind is having fun making them suffer

Mondo: "I guess you're right, I was angry, so..... sorry"

Taka: "it's okay, don't worry" Taka smiles at him

Chihiro was amazed, in a short time Taka was able to calm him down, it's official, there is something more between them, he is now certain.

The three boys arrived in they dorms, snd Chihiro yawned slightly

Chihiro: "well, see you guys tomorrow, good night"

Taka: "good night Chihiro"
Mondi: "night Chi"
the two replied as they saw the little boy enter his room

Mondo: "I'll go too, after this mess I'm very tierd" he said heading to his room "good night bro"

Taka: "g-good night Kyodai"

The boy was about to enter his dorm but realized that Taka was still standing in front of his room door, and he may have sworn he saw Taka's hands shake slightly,

Mondo: "he must br still a little scared for what he is happened to him...." he think while looking for a way to help him, then he comes up with an idea, he approaches the boy and puts a hand on his shoulder

Mondo: "Oi, if it makes you feel calmer you can stay in my room for tonight"

Taka: "W-wha-!... I can't do that! It's against the rules to sleep outside your dorm!"

Mondo: "On this I have to correct you, Taka" interrupts Mondo

Taka: "huh?"

Mkndo: "it is against the rules to sleep outside your dormitory, but it doesen't specify which dormitory you can sleep in, we have already talked about it, remember?"

Right, they mentioned it in the first trial
Taka: "r-right, how could I have forgotten that?"  He said mortified

Mondo: "hey it'd okay, after what happened to ya it is normal that you're still a bit confused" Mondo smiles at him "so what do you say, does it make you feel more peaceful if you stay in my dorm tonight?"

Taka thinks about it for a few seconds, and without saying anything nods

Mondo: "okay, let's go then" he said taking him to his dormitory.

When they entered in Mondo's room, chaos greeted them, the room was in total disorder, clothes and other things were scattered throughout the room

Taka: "why your room is in this state?" He asked a bit shocked by that version

Ishimondo - Survive Together (ENG Version)Where stories live. Discover now