Taka is awake!

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Taka: "Ugh ...."

that subtle verse makes the two boys snap to attention.

Mondo: "did you hear it too, Chihiro?"

Chihiro: "Y-Yes..."

the two turn and see Taka who was slowly opening his eyes.

"Taka is waking up!" The two thought in chorus

Mondo: "Oi Taka, are you okay?"

The first to approach was Mondo followed by Chihiro shortly after, the raven boy slowly turns his head towards the two.

Taka: ".....Mondo? ... Chihiro? ....." he still seems a bit confused after the blow in head suffered

Chihiro: "Taka, I'm so glad you're ok" he siag sigh with a smile

Taka: tries to sit up "what do you mean by- Ow!" He puts a hand to his head

Mondo: "Oi pay attention, the wound is still fresh" said Mondo helping him to sit up.

Taka: "wound? What are you talking about-?" He realizes that on his head there are bandages that cover half of his head, and also notices small blood stains on his white uniform, on his legs he notices Mondo's jacket, confused Taka I look at the two boys.

Taka: "wound? What are you talking about-?" He realizes that on his head there are bandages that cover half of his head, and also notices small blood stains on his white uniform, on his legs he notices Mondo's jacket, confused Taka I look at the t...

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Chihiro: "Mondo found you on the third floor with a bleeding head injury," he explained noticing the boy's confused look.

Right, now he remembered what had happened, he had gone to the third floor for that ticket.... but where is it now?

Taka: "And.... why Mondo's jacket...."

Mondo: "before you were shaking" he said "I didn't want the cold air to make your situation worse" he finished giving him a small smile.

Taka's cheeks took on a pink hue while stared at the boy

Taka: "I-I understand ...... thanks, Kyodai" he smile back.

Mondo: "n-no problem Kyodai" he replied embarrassed as his cheeks took on a shade of pink, he loved seeing Taka smile like that.

Mondo: "Taka, can you tell us what happened? Who attacked you?" He worried then asked him,

Taka: "I..... I don't..." he looks down, he remembers well what happened to him and thinks he saw who attacked him from behind, but for some reason, he doesn't want to say it.

Chihiro: "Taka please, we want to help you" he pleads, but Taka kept saying nothing.

Kyoko: "Staying silent will not solve the situation, Taka" the boys turn towards the source of the voice

Chihiro: "Kyioko you are back" he exclaims noticing the girl

Mondo: "did you find something?" He asked receiving a positive nod from the girl

Ishimondo - Survive Together (ENG Version)Where stories live. Discover now