My desire to make you mine Part 4

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Divya went to Rakshit's room.
Rakshit was stunned:Divya,why are you here at this time?
Divya:Rakshit..I am straight forward.So I am telling you directly that I saw everything.
Rakshit:What did you see?
Divya:I know that there is something between you and Drishti di.

Rakshit was shocked.
Rakshit:Nothing like that Divya.
Divya:Even though Drishti di did not tell anything I can read her heart.She loves you.I don't know why you are ignoring her love.But please don't hurt my Drishti di.She is too good Rakshit.
Divya went out painfully.
Rakshit's eyes were full of tears.
Rakshit:Yes Divya..Your Drishti di is too good.

Lavanya came to Drishti's room.
Drishti wiped her tears.
Lavanya:You were crying.Right?
Drishti faked a smile holding her hand:No.Why should I cry on this happy occasion?

Lavanya:Even if your hide your tears I can see it as I am your best friend.
Drishti's tears rolled down her cheeks.
Lavanya:Is Rakshit the reason behind your tears?

Drishti was silent.
Lavanya:You love Rakshit.Right?
Ronakshi was silent.
Lavanya:I know that something is wrong between you both.You talk to him and sort it out.Before marrying Vicky you need to clarification from Rakshit.You atleast deserve to know what's in his mind.

Drishti:I think Rakshit is too good for me and that's why he is avoiding me.

Drishti hugged her crying.Lavanya caressed her emotionally:Nothing like that Drishti.You both are perfect for each other.Rakshit will realize that.

They all returned to their house.
Mahima came there.Rakshit and Vidya were really happy.

Drishti entered Rakshit's room.
Rakshit:Why are you here Drishti?
Drishti:As you know within few days my wedding is going to take place.Before that I want to know one thing.

Rakshit:What do you want to know?
Drishti:I just want to know whether you have at least one drop of love for me in your heart.

Rakshit was stunned.
Drishti:I will not pressurize you to marry me.If you say that you love me I will live the whole life with that sweet memory.If you say that you don't love me I will not disturb you anymore.I will marry Vicky.

 Drishti's eyes were full of tears

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Drishti's eyes were full of tears.
Drishti:But please say something.
Rakshit became upset.
Rakshit:I have nothing to say Drishti.You just leave.
Rakshit:Please Drishti..please leave.
Drishti ran out crying.Mahima was over hearing everything.She was shocked.
She entered the room.Rakshit hid his tears seeing her.
Mahima:I heard everything.
Rakshit was shocked.
Rakshit:She is mad Maa.
Mahima:You did not tell her that you love her,at the same time you did not tell her that you don't love her.What does it mean Rakshit?

Rakshit became upset:Nothing Maa.
Mahima:Rakshit..I am your mother.You tell me the truth.Do you love Drishti?
Rakshit hugged her bursting into tears.
Rakshit:Now it's too late Maa.
Mahima caressed him tearfully.

Vicky and his dad visited Vidya.
Vicky's dad Rajender:We heard that a boy is staying in this house.
Vidya:Yes,he is my friend's son.
Rajender:There are rumours that your daughter and he are having an affair.
Vidya was shocked:What are you saying?He is our family friend.That's it?
Vicky:But that's not outside world is saying.There are many people who saw them together.
Vidya:They attended some function together.
Vicky:A boy and a girl are staying under one roof.They are roaming about and you are saying that they have no affair?Unbelievable.

Rajender:Sorry to say that we don't want a characterless girl for our son.

Vidya was shocked.She lost her control too.
Vidya:How dare you call my daughter characterless?Good that you don't want to marry her Vicky.You don't deserve my daughter.She deserves someone better.So get out.

Rajender:So arrogant.
Vidya:Get out.
They went out.
Vidya turned back.Drishti was standing there with a shocked face.Divya was also standing there.She was upset.
Vidya:Don't worry Drishti.Those gossip believers can stay away.I will find the best person for you.
Drishti:Mumma....They are right.I love Rakshit.

Vidya was shocked:What?
Drishti:But trust me mumma..there is nothing more than that.There is no affair.Rakshit rejected my love.That's why that day he decided to leave our house.l

Vidya was shocked.

Divya went to Rakshit's room.
Divya:Rakshit...Vicky and his dad left.They said Drishti di is having an affair with you,so Vicky does'nt want her.

Rakshit and Mahima were shocked.Both of them ran out to follow Vicky and his father.
Vicky and Rajender had reached the air port.
Rakshit went near them.
Vicky:How dare you come before me Rakshit?You snatched my fiancee from me.
Rakshit:You are misunderstanding us Vicky.Drishti is pure like Gold.You will be the most luckiest person to get a wife like Drishti.

Divya came there with Vidya.
Rakshit:Please Vicky...I beg of you.Please don't cancel the wedding in the last moment.It will affect Drishti's future.
Divya and Vidya became emotional seeing Rakshit begging Vicky for Drishti.
Vicky:I don't want a characterless loose girl like Drishti.
Rakshit could not bear anymore and slapped Vicky:How dare you call Drishti characterless?If you insult her again I will not leave you.
Vidya called him:Rakshit!
Rakshit looked at Vidya.Rakshit and Mahima were shocked to see Vidya.

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