Chapter III: "Save from the Fire"

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A Building is on fire, there are civilians inside of it, the firefighters are trying to reduce the flames but it kept increasing. It was too dangerous.

Firefighter #1: "We need more water! I-Its not enough!"

Firefighter #2: "Im on it!" gets the water hose and turns it on, sprays on the building

Then one civilian saw Bloodshot flying towards the burning building.

Civilian #1: "W-Wait! Isn't that the hero from yesterday??" he points up to Bloodshot

Civilian #2: "It is!" eyes widen

Bloodshot: "Well, here goes nothing!!" he flies through a burning wall and lands inside

Everyone inside the building still alive. Bloodshot rescued all the civilians inside and the building is slowly burning, the walls are burnt, the floors are collapsing, and the ceiling falling.

Bloodshot: "Hello!!" he breaks into some walls, until he hear the last civilian trapped inside.

???: "H-Hello!? H-Help!!" struggling to get through the flames and smokes

Bloodshot: "Hang on!!" runs through some walls and drops down on a hole, sees the civilian, she has green hair, a bit chubby.

Bloodshot: "Hang on, ms!" as he runs up to her, the flames got bigger, it blocks his path.

Inko: "H-Hurry..." she slowly passes out on the ground, coughing

Bloodshot: "Oh no..." he backs up quickly and runs and jumps over the fire.

He immediately carries Inko in his arms, and runs through a wall, leading down to some firefighters, officers and an ambulance.

Bloodshot: "Here! take her, she's just unconsicious and not injured..."

Doctor: "Thank you, come on...!" the doctor and other medical assistance help Inko get into the ambulance

Bloodshot: "Thank god..." he smiles and sighs a bit

Officer #1: "Hey kid, that was some really good thing you did there..." he then smiles

Bloodshot: "I know..." panting and smiles too

As he was about to leave, he heard some pro's calling him, he immediately flies off.

Endeavor: "Hey!! Get back here!!"

Bloodshot: "Sorry! Gotta go!!" he flies off quickly

Eraserhead: "Not so fast!" he throws his scarf at Bloodshot, trying to capture / bind him.

Bloodshot: "Woah!!" dodges it many times , flies off and hears a woman's voice says;

Mt. Lady: "Titan Cliff!!" she grows big and Bloodshot looks infront and gets hit on her face

Bloodshot: "Agh!" falls to the ground, and looks up, quickly dodges Mt. Lady's foot

Mt. Lady: "Stop moving!" keeps on stomping, then Bloodshot quickly flies off

Bloodshot: "Phew~ That was a close one..." panting and flies off back home

Eraserhead: "Damn, he's fast..." sighs and watches Bloodshot fly away

Endeavor: "Tch! next time, i'll get him, Eraser...."

As he dodges it, he quickly flew off fast, the pro's let him go. They didn't realize that someone was watching them from the tower.

???: "Wow, Kia.... you're getting used to the power...." he smirks and chuckles, watches the city from above

Back at Home, he's in bed, laying down, a bit tired and sighs

Kia: "Woah... i almost fought the Erasure Hero..." he then chuckles and closes his eyes, slowly falling asleep.

{Back at the Bar...}

Kurogiri: "Shigaraki, sir. Do you think is a good idea to talk to him... in person?" while cleaning some mugs and cups.

Shigaraki: "Yeah, i would love see to meet this.... Bloodshot and see his quirk..." he grins and scratches his neck

Kurogiri: "Well, i hope he doesn't kill us...."

Toga: "Oooh! sounds exciting to me, meeting him!" she jumps around a bit

Shigaraki: "Oh, don't worry, he won't...."

{ To Be Continued... }

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