Chapter 5

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Tomura's taken a bold step. He planned it well. It was a remarkably carefully thought out plan for him. The investigation went unnoticed. The Eight Precepts didn't notice but then we were allies.

Their drug rests on very fragile foundations. A single quirk user. Tomura was pleased when Toga brought him that information. It's a simple equation. No girl, no anti-quirk bullets. They sound useful in theory but anti-quirk bullets are a double edged sword. They can just as easily be used against you as for you, especially if mass produced.

If the Eight Precepts were going to use them for sniper strikes, Tomura probably wouldn't have cared. The mass production just has too many risks, and even he could see that.

The Yakuza are one type of villain. They are long established, and while they like to pretend they are lawless, they have their own internal rules. The League is different. We are true villains. We will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Overhaul found that out the hard way.

Tomura only used the most dedicated of Vanguard Action Squad. Not those who were following in Stain's footsteps, those who were truly committed. The strike was simple and fast. Two pronged. One for the stockpile, one for the source.

Both were successful. That's not to say there isn't a few anti-quirk bullets out there. There must be and Overhaul will be saving them for us. It means war but the League had been at war for far longer than the Eight Precepts. They'll learn what that means soon enough, especially with Vanguard Action Squad gunning for them now. All of them. Those who pretend they follow Stain's teachings are more than willing to take out traditional bad guys. It's practically a public service, even if they are villains.

The logic of some escapes me at times but Sensei always pointed out that results matter, not the twisted logic that gets you there. Maybe that's why Tomura is beginning to understand.


It was odd to find the new bar mostly empty. Kurogiri was enjoying the quiet. Tomura was present but he was silent. He'd say he was thinking but there was only so much one could think. When Dabi appeared, it was a surprise. He was meant to be training with Vanguard Action Squad.

"I've got a way of taking out Endeavor," he announced, staring at Tomura.

The hand covered face shifted slightly. It was difficult to see Tomura's eyes between the fingers but he was clearly interested.

"You do?" Kurogiri asked for him.

The fire villain didn't take his eyes off Tomura. "I do," he confirmed, "but it will require Kakurete's support."

There was silence in the bar. "Kakurete?" Tomura asked. It was a good attempt. There was enough confusion in his tone to raise questions, to pretend he didn't know who Kakurete was. It wasn't enough.

Kurogiri could tell Dabi wasn't going to be distracted. The villain said nothing but neither did he drop his eyes.

"A way of taking out Endeavor?" Tomura eventually asked.

Dabi smiled gently. "Foolproof."

"I doubt that," Kurogiri said. Sensei liked to say that no plan was ever foolproof, not even the plans he made.

The fire villain had the good taste to nod. "If he's not dead, then his reputation will be ruined."

Tomura scratched at his neck. "And what is this plan?" He'd learned to listen to plans before his dismissed them. That was something.

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