Abnormality - Part one

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"Don't get distracted while in combat, Wei Ying," said Lan Wangji in a soft, drawling voice. Wei Wuxian's face broke into an involuntary grin as their swords once again clashed, metal hitting metal, the sound echoing throughout the clearing.

"Lan Zhan—" Wei Wuxian yelled as Bichen swung down on him, almost hitting the top of his head. "Aren't private duels—" Suibian got lost in the fray of the two swords as they battled. "—supposed to be forbidden in Cloud Recess?"

"A duel requires two parties fighting for victory," said Lan Wangji. "If we merely evaluate one another's skills with mutual, friendly intent, then I see no problem."

"Stay like this forever, Lan Zhan!" exclaimed Wei Wuxian jovially as Suibian was once again summoned into his hand. "Bend your Uncle's rules with me! Maybe we can even write a book about it together! I'll call it 'How to survive in Cloud Recess!' What do you think, Lan Zhan?"

"Intriguing," Lan Wangji murmured, "But something you will certainly have to consider when you kneel before the wall of rules as I list every single one you've broken tonight."

"Oh, but you won't be able to, Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian retorted, waving Suibian in the air tauntingly. "After all, I'll be the victor! And when I win, you will drink Emperor's Smile with me!"

"Very well," Lan Wangji acquitted, leaping into the air.

Minutes passed as their swords battled between them, and Wei Wuxian had long since stopped caring about the loud racket they were probably making. The clouds eventually drew closer, becoming greyer by the second as small pelts of rain slowly fell in small pit pats before their feet.

"Looks—" Wei Wuxian panted, his cheeks flushed in adrenaline as he leaned over Lan Wangji, hair a curtain around his face. "—Like I win, Lan Zhan!"

Lan Wangji closed his eyes. When he finally slowed his breathing, he replied with a non-committal sound.

Lan Wangji accepted Wei Wuxian's offering hand, which helped him to stand. Luckily, the rain had only just started, so the ground was mostly dry and his immaculate white robes were as stainless as ever. "Thank you, Wei Ying."

"What for?" said Wei Wuxian.

"That was... fun." Lan Wangji hesitated before reaching out and patting Wei Wuxian's head. The hair was soft beneath his fingertips and he unconsciously began to gently caress it back and forth in a soothing motion. It was something his older brother would often do for him as praise, as opposed to a hug. Lan Wangji found it comforting and figured Wei Wuxian would the same.

Wei Wuxian couldn't contain the hysterical chortles of laughter that escaped his lips. "Lan Zhan, you... Are you petting me?!"

"No," Lan Wangji frowned. "Caressing. It is different."

Wei Wuxian nodded, feeling his cheeks suddenly heat. He awkwardly scratched at his cheek with a finger, waiting for Lan Wangji's hand to leave. When it finally did, it was then that he realised the rising heaviness of the rain. If they didn't find shelter soon, they were bound to get soaked.

Lan Wangji raised an eyebrow at him before untying the Qiankun pouch from his sash and pulling out a large wooden umbrella. "Here."

"Oh..." Wei Wuxian accepted it thankfully, not quite knowing what to say. "Er... Thank you."


Wei Wuxian opened the umbrella and held it over both of their heads. Although, since Lan Wangji was an inch or two taller than him, it constantly got caught in the Lan's hair or hit him in the head, something that made Wei Wuxian feel quite guilty.

Lan Wangji hesitantly reached out a hand before wrapping it over the handle, just above Wei Wuxian's, and he raised it higher into the air to an appropriate height that covered them both. Their fingers brushed for a moment, and a swift thought suddenly slid into Wei Wuxian's thoughts, 'Lan Zhan's hands are so soft...'

He glanced up at the Lan, whose ears were red as he persistently avoided eye contact. Wei Wuxian chuckled and, trying to ease up the atmosphere, said conversationally, "Lovely day, isn't it?"

Lan Wangji glanced up at the grey-clouded, rain-filled sky and then to Wei Wuxian, raising an eyebrow. Wei Wuxian unconsciously flushed, knowing how stupid he probably sounded. "Er... So how's your brother?"

Lan Wangji paused for a moment before he replied, "Fine."

"Are you sure?" Wei Wuxian asked hesitantly. He couldn't help but think of all the weight that had been placed onto Lan Xichen's shoulders following both his father's death and the war. "It must be stressful for him. I... I thought it was very noble that he helped all those people."

"Mn," Lan Wangji looked proud, almost, as he spoke of his brother. "Xiongzhang works very hard. Thank you for recognising his efforts."

"Er... it's no problem."

Wei Wuxian found a frown pulling at his face as they neared the dormitories. The idea of this night ending soured his what used to be a pleasant mood and he suddenly had more and more that he wanted to talk about with Lan Zhan—he really couldn't help it. After all, the Lan was a very patient listener and waited until Wei Wuxian was finished before he spoke his opinions or answered any questions, unlike everyone else who deemed him wasting their time the moment he opened his mouth.

"You do not seem happy, Wei Ying," said Lan Wangji pensively. "What is the matter?"

"I don't like the rain," Wei Wuxian lied. "It puts me in a bad mood."

"Oh," Wei Wuxian wondered whether Lan Wangji noticed the way he unconsciously moved the umbrella so it covered more Wei Wuxian than he; or the way his steps quickened so slightly that it was barely noticeable.

And before they even knew it, Wei Wuxian was standing before the door of the Dormitories, looking more solemn than ever. It was quite an unusual look on his face—he was never without a smile when everyone saw him.

Wei Wuxian wondered why he was getting so emotional over nothing; Lan Zhan was just leaving for the night and they were going to see each other tomorrow anyway. It was incredibly illogical of him and he desperately stamped the feeling down, replacing it with a well-practised smile.

"I suppose this is goodnight to you, then?" he said tentatively.

"It is," said Lan Wangji quietly. "Goodnight, Wei Ying."

"Goodnight. Bye," Wei Wuxian sauntered past the door and into the dormitories, noticing how someone—he couldn't see who due to how dark it was—was hanging off the bed, their legs on the floor and head on the board. Another person was on the ground entirely, apparently having fallen off their bed during their sleep.

Wei Wuxian frowned as he retraced his steps back to the door, where Lan Wangji was still standing. "And the Emperor's Smile?"

Lan Wangji sighed, "We will discuss that tomorrow."

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