“Come on, you don’t need this stress right now, you know that. Let’s go to your appointment.” She whispered in his ear, rubbing his side gently. 

Liam licked over his lips as he looked at Louis, shaking his head. “You know it’s for the best. He’s not ready to be a dad.” He mumbled. 

Louis laughed, shaking his head as he looked back at Gemma then to Liam. “Did you go out and buy a complete nursery? Stocked with every and anything Jackson will ever need? No! Harry did, so don’t you dare try and tell me he isn’t ready to be a dad!” 

Gemma sighed as she pulled Louis towards the elevator, shaking her head. “Hey, calm down, alright? We will figure all this out. He won’t go to jail. Do you really think they are gonna believe Liam over you if you’re the supposed rape victim?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, thumbing away his tears. 

Louis sniffled and shook his head, sighing out shakily. “I-I just…I hate him.” He whispered, closing his eyes. “I used t-to think that he was doing what was best for m-me and Jackson, but he’s not, is he?” 

Gemma pursed her lips as they stepped into the elevator. “It seems like he’s out for Harry to be honest.” She admitted, pushing the button to the maternity ward. 

Louis nodded in agreement, leaning against the elevator with a shaky sigh. “I just wanna forget all this. I wanna see him.” He whispered, laughing wetly when he felt Jackson kick at his stomach. “Yeah, you.” 

Gemma smiled slightly, reaching down and placing a hand over his stomach. “Oh wow, he’s really kicking now.” 

Louis bit his lip and smiled as he kissed her cheek before they stepped out, taking a seat in the waiting room after they signed Louis in. 

“This is weird, y’know?” Louis whispered, laughing quietly. 

Gemma looked over at him confusedly. “What do you mean?” 

“Like, I’m a guy and I’m pregnant. You’re a girl and you’re not pregnant. It’s just kinda weird. I am the only pregnant guy here.” Louis pointed out with a small smile.

Gemma laughed quietly but nodded in agreement. “I don’t think I want any little ones for a long time.” 

Louis bit his lip, nodding in agreement. “I wasn’t planning on it either but I’m actually pretty excited to be a dad. I’ve always wanted to be one, but maybe have a good job and be married.” He whispered with a small shrug. “It is what it is.” 

Gemma smiled, helping Louis up when they called his name. “Everything does happen for a reason. I’m pretty excited to be an aunt and I’m going to throw the best baby shower ever.” 

Louis blushed as he looked over at her, shaking his head. “You’ve already done so much Gemma.” 

Gemma scoffed as she helped him sit up on the examining table. “Nonsense. My little nephew will be so spoiled. You don’t even know.” She smiled, taking his shirt. 

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now