Silver and Gold ~ Kam

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hey guys! uh, this the request of @glassesdog2 hope you like it! and watch the song at the top, it's the most kam song i've ever heard. @glassesdog2 had it in their book, the prince. and, uh, the characters have kinda code names in this. try and figure them out by the end!

everyone knew silver and gold went well together.

especially when talking about silver and gold.

they liked each other, and everyone knew it. but they didn't know it. they denied their feelings, even to themselves.

until one day.

golden boi kept shooting glances at silver boi from across the room. he didn't realize that when he looked away, silver was glancing at him, too.

'god, stop staring,' amethyst girl groaned jokingly. 'seriously, anyone would think you liked him.'

amethyst girl wiggled her eyebrows, and golden boi glared at her.

'stop it,' gold snapped. 'seriously. i don't.'

'if you say so~' amber girl said from across the table.

'shut up!' golden boi said in a stage whisper. 'shut up shut up shut up!'

silver boi glanced up and smiled at amethyst girl. amethyst smiled back. silver stood up from his seat and came to the table where amber girl, amethyst girl, golden boi, twiggy boi (you know i had do it), mint boi, and lava girl were sitting.

'hey, guys,' silver said.

'hi,' amethyst responded for all of them.

gold turned red and abruptly stood and ran from the table. he essentially flew from the room.

when gold reached the end of the hallway, he turned to see silver chasing after him. gold ducked into a supply closet.

'why'd you hide?'

gold whirled as the soft voice came from behind him.



silver pushed gold against the wall.

oh, god.

and then, they were kissing. they were kissing, and it was pure happiness. gold could taste silver's lips, he tasted like salt and sugar at the same time-

'wow,' golden boi breathed softly.

silver boi smirked. 'love you, tam.'

'love you too, keefe,' golden boi replied.

plot twist!! glassesdog, don't get too mad at me for changing it a bit- anyways, guess who the characters are~

amethyst girl is:

amber girl is:

twiggy boi is:

lava girl is:

mint boi is:

and of course, golden boi and silver boi are obvious. for the answers to who everyone else is, go to the next chapter. see you on the flip side 👌!

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