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Marinette had everything in her life. From friends, family, and even people who wanted to buy her clothes. Then came Lila Rossi. She said that she was a ladybug and Marinette knew and that instant she was a liar. How you're wondering? Simply put, Marinette is Ladybug. And when someone comes in lying that they are Ladybug IN FRONT OF LADYBUG I'm pretty sure Ladybug's going to know they're lying. Marinette tried to call her but everyone was so happy so Marinette didn't ruin their happiness. Marinette thought oh well that's fine I can tell them later. There never was a later because Lila kept spreading more lies and got more popular everyone was surrounding her everywhere and Marinette never had a chance to talk to her. Lila said that you wanted to go to the restroom and so was Marinette. It gave her a chance to talk to Lila and tell her that lying was a bad thing. Instead Lila threatened Marinette saying that she was going to take away all her friends and make her an outcast in her OWN class. Marinette thought that she would not actually be able to succeed. Marinette was wrong. Lila did take all her friends except MPS AKA Marinette protection Squad and Chloe. I know you're wondering is this thing so we were talking about Chloe Bourgeois yes it is. Chloe realized that bullying Marinette was wrong and she also realized that Lila was a fake. So Chloe Bourgeois apologized to Marinette DupainCheng. Well Marinette isn't a Dupain-Cheng anymore now she's a Bourgeois. In the span of a few months Lila turned everyone against Marinette and Marinette's parents believed the liar as well she tried to prove her innocence but they didn't believe her so they kicked her out of their home. Marinette moved in with Chloe in her gigantic Bourgeois mansion and they became the best of friends. Marinette and Chloe graduated early so they wouldn't have to deal with Lila and her sheep Squad as they like to call them because they were a bunch of people who followed random liars. Chloe's mother Ms. Bourgeois came to visit Chloe because she wanted to see how her daughter and her best friend were doing. She saw how Chloe and Marinette were being treated so she gave Chloe and Marinette and MPS a choice to come with her to Gotham City. Marinette really wanted to go but given the fact she was Ladybug she had responsibilities here so she said she would think about it. Tikki, her Kwami said that it was a good opportunity because then she could find the true holder of the black cat miraculous. Adrien Agreste wasn't a true black cat miraculous holder he was just a temporary one but Marinette she was the true wielder of the Ladybug miraculous. Chloe was a true realtor of the bee miraculous. and the rest of the MPS members were the true wielders of miraculous. MPS consisted of Chloe, Luka, Max, Kim and Alix. Luka was the true holder of the snake miraculous, Max was the true holder of the horse miraculous, Kim was the true holder of the monkey miraculous, and Alix is the true holder of the bunny miraculous. Marinette had to take Alya and Nino miraculous because they weren't true holders and honestly Marinette kind of wanted revenge because they believed a liar. Marinette took Chat Noir AKA Adrien Agreste's Miraculous and moved to Gotham with MPS and her best friend Chloe. She wanted to start her new life with her best friend and her other friends. HER TRUE FRIENDS. Marinette really hoped that the people here wouldn't be like Lila and her sheep squad.

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