The old man stomped his way towards Ibuki with a terrifying glint in his eyes, she nervously backed up, holding the lid close to her. The old man yanked the lid from her and threw it away, slamming Ibuki against the wall. "You're gonna pay for that.." He growled.

Ibuki struggled to get out from his grasp but despite being as drunk as a skunk, the old man was strong enough to pin Ibuki to the wall. Ibuki became frantic and began shaking.

Suddenly the man fell to the ground, Ibuki froze and continued to shake, looking down at the old man on the ground. "I-buki! Are y-you al-alr-alright!?" A familiar voice spoke out.

Ibuki looked up to see Mikan, Ibukis eyes widened. "M-Mikan!" Mikan looked at Ibuki, tears formed in the corner of her eyes and she was shaking violently, she was holding the lid in her shaky hands.

Ibuki held her hands out and put them on Mikans shaking hands, Ibuki looked down at the old man and back at Mikan. She gently grabbed the lid away from Mikan and dropped it onto the ground. She placed her hands back onto Mikans.

"Come on..let's go somewhere else." Ibuki softly told Mikan, who nodded shakily. Ibuki started leading Mikan out of the alleyway and back into the open.

Mikan slowly pointed to the apartment complex, "T-third fl-floor...l-last room.." Ibuki nodded and the two made their way to Mikans room, neither of them speaking as they did so.

Ibuki noticed that Mikans shaking had calmed down a little but she was still shaking, Mikan had started sobbing as well. By the time they got to Mikans room, she was just sniffling.

Mikan shakily unlocked her room door and entered, Ibuki stayed at the entrance. Mikan looked back at Ibuki, "I-Ibuki..?" Ibuki nervously put her index fingers together, "'s not very polite for me to walk in without permission..heh.."

Mikan smiled a little, "W-what are y-you.? A v-v-vampire?" She ended with a little giggle, Ibuki giggled as well. "You may never know, Ibuki never tells!"

Mikan turned to face Ibuki, "Ibuki. I give you permission to enter my apartment." Ibuki playfully smiled, going along with the act. "Finally, now Ibuki can enter now that the invisible forcefield has been lifted!" Ibuki stepped into Mikans room.

Ibuki looked around, it was dark due to the lights being off but there was enough light coming from the windows to aluminate the room. It looked like a basic apartment, Ibuki figured Mikan wouldn't be able to do much with it since it was just an apartment.

Mikan put her two index fingers together, "U-um..sorry i-if it l-looks me-messy...I didn't think a-anyone was coming o-over.." Ibuki shook her head and quickly reassured, "No it's all okie dokie! Ibuki thinks it's nice!"

Mikan smiled a little, 'GAh! That smile! It's just so! CUTE!' The two just stared at each other until Mikan broke the silence, "O-oh! C-could I g-get you anything?"

"Huh?" Ibuki was pulled out of her thoughts, "Oh! No need for that, Ibuki fed herself earlier." She smiled proudly, "The real question is, have you eaten anything Mikan?"

Mikan was taken a back by the question but slowly shook her head, "N-no..I didn't h-have breakfast today.." Ibuki shook her head, "Hmph! Ibuki cannot let that slide, you need to eat something to help replenish you're energy!" Ibuki grabbed Mikans hand and led her to the kitchen.

"W-wait! Ibuki! D-do you even kn-know how to c-cool?" Mikan asked as she was dragged along by Ibuki, Ibuki looked at Mikan. "Nope! But I'm gonna try!"

Mikan shook her head nervously, "Pl-please! Le-lets just make s-something simple! egg sandwich!" Ibuki tapped her finger onto her chin, "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okie dokie! Beggars can't be choosers!" Mikan sighed in relief.

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