When will things get better?

Start from the beginning

She exited the elevator and made her way to her room which was at the end of the hall, she went through her purse and grabbed her keys.

She unlocked her apartment door and entered, locking it before making her way to her bedroom. She set her purse on a chair and went to her closet to change out of her clothes and got into something more comfortable.

As she was changing she looked at her body in the full length mirror, she felt a small feeling of disgust rise in her stomach and she looked away. Putting on short shorts and a oversized t-shirt.

She walked out of her closet and made her way to her bed, her bed was situated next to a window so the moonlight shone down on her as she laid on her side. She felt her body relax and she slowly began to close her eyes.

Mikan was thankful she wasn't plagued with the awful thoughts of her life, she was able to get a good nights rest.

{the next morning or sum shit}

Mikans eyes started to flutter as the dawn sun shined on her face, she lifted her hand to block out the sun as she sat up. She stretched and rubbed her eyes, 'that dream...what was it??'

Mikan sat there trying to remember, she remembered being at a crowded place, lots of people excited and talking. She couldn't make out their faces but, then a spotlight turned on. Everyone stopped talking and looked at where the spotlight shone down on.

Just before someone walked into the spotlight, Mikan had woken up from her dream. Mikan's memory of the dream became foggy and the details became blurred, 'what did it mean?' She asked herself.

Mikan shook of the memory of the dream and she looked at the time, 9:38 AM. 'I have about an hour before I have to start heading over to the hospital..' Mikan thought to herself. She decided to spend a little of her time finding clothes she would wear to the concert tomorrow.

She got out of bed and walked over to her closet, turning on the light and looking at her wardrobe. She grabbed a black crop top with the words "angel" and a halo over the A. She placed it on her bed and continued to look.

She grabbed black jean short shorts and a white and pink letterman jacket. She grabbed baby blue thigh socks and white converse. She placed them on her bed and looked at the time. 9:53 AM. "Hmm.."

Mikan decided to get into her nurse outfit and watch a little bit of tv before she had to leave, an hour had passed. Mikan stood up and looked at the time before she left, 10:53AM. She started work at 11:30, the hospital wasn't too far but traffic could lead to an issue if she didn't hurry.

Mikan exited her room, making sure to grab her purse, she locked the door. She walked down the hallway and towards the elevator, she pressed the button and waited for the elevator to arrive.

{another time skip so this isn't boring 🥱}

Mikan arrived at the hospital, by then it was 11:13 AM. Mikan exited out of her car and locked it, after making sure she locked it correctly, she started walking to the hospital. She walked in and waved a hello at the receptionist, "Ah Tsumiki! Thank the heavens you're here, a kid came in a while ago with his mother. His mouth got cut with a razor after eating a Halloween candy."

"A-again? That's the se-second time this w-week." Mikan set her purse down in her locker, the other nodded. "Yeah it's messed up, you have more experience with that than me so I'll let you handle it." Mikan nodded, closing her locker, "O-ok, I'll see w-what I c-can do."

Mikan walked over to the room the mother and child were in, after treating the child and allowing them to leave she got a beep on her pager. She looked at her pager and it said, "Room 234" (yall I only remember so much from Grey's Anatomy I'm a 15 year old failing school hAVe MeRCy)

The Guitarists Savior (Bandaid/Tsubuki)Where stories live. Discover now