Chapter Twenty

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It's been a week since I woke up from passing out in the middle of the conference room. Banner told me it was caused by a simple panic attack, I didn't understand at first until we went back over what the conference was about. Loki was the most concerned, he hasn't left my side since that conference. I'm starting to wonder if this was the bad feeling I kept getting while I was away. I told Thor about it so I'm sure he told Tony, but I don't want to not tell him again just in case.

Now that I'm feeling better and every avenger is protecting me at all costs, I decide to call a one on one meeting with Tony to talk about what is going on. I need to train and I'm not even allowed in the gym right now because that is one of the fastest ways to get into the compound without everyone knowing. I walk into the conference room Tony and Fury are both standing there.

"Tony, I wanted to speak to you. Alone." I roll my eyes and take a seat at the big oval oak table that sat in the middle of the room. Tony taps the hidden screen on the windows that are not only bulletproof but also sound proof and that can tint and untint on command.

"I know but I thought Fury would want to be here for what you're about to say. You said you wanted to talk about what happened when you ran away for a few hours and I know what you were going through."

I sigh and let Fury stay and explain all my nightmares and feelings that I've been getting, which could be the cause of gaining another power that I don't know about yet. Tony suggested running more tests and Fury keeps saying to heighten as much security as possible and to keep someone with me all day everyday. Of course, I chose to just run more tests because a girl needs some privacy throughout her day. Security is already as good as it can get unless Tony has something better up his sleeve, which he normally does. I didn't want to bother anyone by having them watch me all the time now because I'm being hunted by some mass murders. I don't need their pity.

Now that the conference is over and I explained everything, I walk up to my room to relax and watch a movie. When I get to my room, my bed is made and everything is cleaned up. Tony has a housekeeper come in once a week to clean all our rooms, I'm sure he's paying them a lot too so I don't think they're complaining. I throw myself onto the bed and say,

"J.A.R.V.I.S. tint the windows and turn the lights down low."

I hear the beep of the AI reacting and soon the windows are dark and the lights are almost completely turned off. It's only about 4 pm but for some reason, I'm mentally and physically exhausted today. I decided to turn on some light music instead of a movie and slowly started falling asleep.

Loki walks into the bedroom while I'm sleeping and changes into black sweats and comes and lays down next to me. I wasn't having any nightmares this time which was also odd. Loki pulled me closer to him so his chin was resting on my shoulder and my back was against him. I started to stir awake for a moment until he brought the blanket higher and allowed me to fall back asleep.



It's the next morning when I finally wake up, I'm shocked. I can't believe I slept that long without any nightmares or trouble sleeping. When I roll over Loki is sitting with his back against the headboard of the bed reading a book. He must have been really into the book because he didn't notice me rolling over and looking at him, until I moved the front of his book out of the way so I could see his face.

"Good morning princess. You've been asleep for quite some time."

I chuckle under my breath and say, "You could have woken me up for dinner. Speaking of which, what time is it?"

Loki looks down at the clock and laughs and doesn't say anything. When I look over and see that it's 11:30am I groan and lay back down. That's when it dawned on me that I wasn't in the same clothes that I was in last night. I must have fallen asleep in my jeans and tshirt from yesterday and Loki changed me so I'd be more comfortable.

"Did you change my clothes for me?" I ask him.

"No, it's magic." and with a snap of his finger a new pair of clothes is on me.

I sit up and bring Loki's attention to me and when he sees the look of desire in my eyes he puts his book down and his hands start to wander over my body and his lips crash onto mine. The way he touches me and loves me is a feeling that I'll never get used to. Loki scoots down the bed so his back is on the bed and I'm hovering over the top of him. Things start getting hot and soon I find both of us undressed. I wasn't exactly prepared for what was about to happen but I let it anyway.

(I'm leaving you guys as the readers to let your minds run wild for this part :) )

We lay in the bed for about an hour before one of us says anything or does anything. It kind of scared me because what if I wasn't what he wanted? He's a God and I'm just a human. What if he changes his mind about me? I know, I know, a lot of questions. I think I'm actually falling in love with him and I hate myself for that. I didn't want to fall in love with anyone after Steve. 

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