Chapter Five

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I wake up sweating and shaky, that's the first time I remember dreaming after I wake up. I look at my phone, 9:30am, 'crap' I say to myself. I throw the covers up and over myself running to the bathroom to brush my hair and put on my leggings and sweatshirt to go workout. Everyone but the four of us are gone, which means I missed my chance to see Steve before he left.

Nat is in the lounge eating some yogurt while Wanda is already down in the gym practicing her powers and controlling them. Nat looks up from her computer and smiles at me and says,

"Steve left you something on the counter before he left, he wanted me to make sure you got it before we went to the gym. Also, today is the day you need to show some of your powers so we can help you learn to control them and use them when needed. You and Loki will be fighting against me and Wanda today, together." I nodded in response.

I walked over to the counter to find a note and a couple of t-shirts that I assumed were his, underneath them were granola bars, the same ones I eat for breakfast every morning. I looked back at the note that read 'I'll be back soon, don't stress too much. I left you some shirts to work in and sleep in while I'm gone. We are going out as soon as I get home, I promise. - Love Steve-'

I roll my eyes and chuckle, even while he's gone he still manages to make me smile. I take the t-shirts and put them in my chair and urge Nat and Loki to go start training. As we're walking down, I remember today is the day I use my powers. I haven't prepared myself for this yet and now I'm not sure if this was a good idea.

Wanda looks at me and says, "Okay Harley, you ready to show us what you can do with your powers?"

"Not really, we'll need to go outside so I can get a better connection." I start to walk outside when I turn around and see everyone looking at me confused like. I wave them over and they finally follow me.

I breathe the deep fresh air outside and focus on the sound of the air and wind. I close my eyes and concentrate with everything I am and finally cut loose, if they want to see my powers then they can see what they really are. With that I create a tornado with my hands and open my eyes to see that I've moved the small tornado from my hands to the field. With the other hand, I throw lightning into the cloud of dust flying through the air.

"Wow.." Wanda says, amazed.

I stop everything, and look at the field to see it as if nothing ever happened. I smile and look at the others who are also smiling at me. They're all stunned at what I've just shown them. "Everyone okay..." I say and laugh.

"Yeah, we're all okay. How come you never showed us these powers of yours before?" Nat asks.

"Well, when the accident happened, I was angry because I lost my family and everyone around me that I loved. I learned that every time I got angry, my powers would explode. There was this one time that I was having a dream of my family and the accident and I woke up to my apartment on fire because I was angry and it caused the manipulation to happen without me knowing it. It took me a while to figure out how to control them, but I learned. Now here I am, without using them and you guys want me to work with it on a mission."

Loki steps in and sarcastically says, "As if we actually need you on the mission..."

Confusing, he was just nice to me the other day and now he's being cold. I wonder if it's because he didn't get to go on this mission. Still, that doesn't give him a reason to be a dick to me.

Rage pours through my body once again and I don't stop it because I know Loki will never stop being an ass until someone puts him in his place, his brother is the God of Thunder. I think to myself, 'maybe I'll just give him a quick zap..', with the thought I smile and send an electric shock through Loki's armour and through his body. He hits the ground and moans in pain.

Wanda and Nat laugh as I walk back into the gym to get ready to go for my run to burn off some energy before Loki decides to be rude again. I put up my hood, put my headphones in and start my music. I jog out the door and wave at them on my way out.


After I get back from my run Loki and Nat are arguing about why he and I got 'stuck together' and have to fight her and Wanda. Neither of them had noticed that I was there so I quickly said,

"We got stuck together because we are the strongest together. Granted Wanda here has the strongest powers, mine just come from the elements."

"But why would I want to fight with you when I could simply just fight you." Loki says with a smart ass tone.

I glare at him while I take my sweatshirt off and put on one of Steve's t-shirts that he left me. Loki and Wanda look at me oddly, confused, I look down and remember that I have a scar from the accident. When I was angry and my powers took control, it almost killed me. I quickly put my shirt back on and prepared myself for training.

We fought for almost 20 minutes before someone finally yielded. Me and Loki did nothing to help each other, he was still mad at me for no reason and I had to learn to protect myself. After the fight I drank some water while I walked back to the lounge, I grabbed another granola bar and a cup of yogurt on my way to my room to take a shower.

Loki came running up behind me as I was walking down the hall to my room. "Nice job today, I honestly didn't expect you to be so good at fighting and your powers are extraordinary."

I laugh at the thought of him being nice to someone other than himself.

"Okay Loki, you're funny. I'm not going to start liking you just because you say one nice thing to me."

"I don't expect you to, but I do want you to come with me tonight while everyone else is out."

"I don't think so, I'm not going to go spend part of my night with a manipulative liar. Plus, I've had a long day so I'm going to stay in and watch movies and relax while I wait for Steve to come back."

Loki looks at me with disappointment in his eyes, like I just hurt his feelings. I really didn't want to go out tonight so I just smiled and opened my door and shut it behind me. I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower and turn some music on. After my shower I decided to soak in the bath since I am sore from fighting today.

I get out of the bath after soaking and make my way to my bed, I turn on a movie and relax before I'm ready to go to sleep. When the movie is over, I check my phone and the time says 9:45pm and that's when I decide to lay down for the night. It's not long before I completely fall asleep.


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