Chapter Nineteen

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I wake up to find myself wrapped in Loki's arms, he's sleeping still which isn't normal considering he's always awake before me. I gently roll over to face him. His eyes are shut but I can tell he's awake because he smiles when he realizes that I'm looking at him. After a couple minutes he yawns and opens his eyes groggily. When he looks at me, I giggle a bit. His hair is a mess and he's looking at me like I just offended him.

"What are you giggling about?" he asks

"You and your messy hair..."

Loki rolls his eyes and pulls me closer to him, so my forehead is resting on his chest. His skin is soft and hot from being under the blanket all night. His chin is resting on top of my head and I can feel his careful breathing move my hair slightly. I slowly start to fall back asleep without noticing until Loki sits up out of bed and tries to make his way to the bathroom. That is until I roll over and say,

"Where do you think you're going?" I laugh so he knows I'm just joking.

"I'm going to take a shower to get rid of my messy hair that you were laughing at" he rolls his eyes and continues to the bathroom.

I follow him in there and start taking my clothes off to take a shower with him, he doesn't notice until I turn the water on and get in. The shower wall was clear glass that you could see right though. Loki looks at me with shock and debates getting in for a moment.

"Harley, why are you doing this..." he looks up at me with pleading eyes with a hint of lust.

I smile and look at the ground embarrassed and say,

"I just thought you wouldn't mind if I took a shower with you, I can get out and go to my own room if you want me to..."

When I say this Loki raises his eyebrows and shakes his head and chuckles.

"No, I do not want you to go to your own room. But I know I don't want you to do something you don't want to do..." I cut him off before he has the chance to finish his sentence.

"I want to do this. Loki, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't ready to see where things went." I hear the words come out of my mouth and realize that now that I've said it, I really admitted to myself that I want him.

Loki just stares at me for a moment. He finishes getting undressed and gets into the shower with me. His hands run along the sides of my arms softly, it almost tickles but instead it sends a jolt of electricity through me. Loki starts to lean down to kiss me and I move my head up to meet him in the middle. When his lips finally meet mine, the adrenaline starts rushing and my anxiety is drowned out. Passion. That's the only way to describe it.

We break away for a moment and his arms wrap around my waist and I find him lifting me up and I wrap my legs around him to hold on. His kisses move down my neck to explore the rest of my body. With every kiss he places on my body, the weaker I become.

"Loki..." I whisper into his ear.

"Shhh, darling. No need to talk."

Just last night we were telling each other neither of us were ready and now I admitted it and somehow we both know what we want. Well... he wants me, but I need him. I needed it to be him that I did this with, I was finally over Steve and I was ready.

Things escalated faster than I thought, I wasn't sure how things were going to happen in the shower but somehow Loki made sure it was perfect and that I was comfortable while he held me against the wall of the shower.

************************(time skip to after the shower)****************************

I feel more alive than ever. There's a new type of energy in me now and I can't wipe the smile off my face. I turn around and smile at Loki while he's drying off and getting out of the shower. I walk to my dresser wrapped in a towel and grab a pair of tight skinny jeans and a white spaghetti strap shirt. I throw on my over-the-knee black boots to throw some spice onto the outfit.

"Loki...?" I say starting to question everything again. Which I tend to do when I start overthinking everything.

"Yes darling?" He looks over at me and realizes that I'm staring at myself in the mirror with tears in my eyes. He rushes over to me and says,

"Hey- um, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"Why are you with me...?" I start to cry. Thank God I didn't have my makeup on yet.

"I mean am I even good enough for you? You're a God and I'm just a puny human that got her powers from an explosion." I can't believe I'm crying in front of him but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Oh Harley, you are too good for me, and you are not just a puny human. You are an amazing person and I'm glad I can call you mine."

For some reason that turned off my anxiety and my tears. I walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face and gently dried it off. I started putting my makeup on when the beep of J.A.R.V.I.S. alerting someone. Out of the speakers above me I hear his voice,

"Ms. Harley and Loki, Mr. Stark is pulling everyone into the conference room in 5 minutes and wishes you were there to attend the meeting."

Then the beep of dismissal. I look at Loki and we both roll our eyes. Tony never calls meetings unless Fury is here or an emergent mission. I finish my makeup and spray some setting spray to make sure it won't be wiping off anytime soon. I walk out the door behind Loki and we make our way down to the conference room where I can see all the Avengers and Fury sitting around the table.

I walk through the door and everyone looks at me. It didn't bother me until Fury opened his mouth.

"Harley, please take a seat and be warned that this conversation includes you and your safety."

I find a seat and sit down next to Nat who was giving me a look of sorry.

"We have reason to believe that Hydra has pinpointed Harley's powers and they are on the lookout for her. We can not let that happen so keep your eyes open and no one leaves alone. Security has been amplified in the compound and on the outside. Just be careful and if you see anyone being suspicious, let someone know immediately."

When he finishes everything starts to get fuzzy and everyone's voices are whispers and I start to feel light headed and then all I see is black.  

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