Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a week now since Loki made me a hot bath. I ended up falling asleep for a while in the tub until my alarm went off and I got out and crawled into bed.

When I get up this morning, it's another hot day and for some reason I'm awake at 7:30 today, which is unusual. I get up out of bed and change into my black spandex shorts that cling around my waist and thighs. I'm about to walk down the hallway when I decide to take a different route and walk down to Loki's room. His room is dark when I open the door and I almost walk away to go back to working out like I was going to. I call his name and see something move in his bed, he rolls over and opens his eyes. When he notices that I'm standing in his room, he shoots up, startled.

"Har, sorry, I didn't hear you come in. What are you doing up so early?" He rubs his eyes from being tired.

"I- I just thought that you'd be awake since you're always out of my room by the time I wake up." I look at the ground guilty because I feel bad for waking him.

I start to walk back to the door when he stops me. When I turn around to look at him, he's right in front of me. He's so close I can feel his hot breath hit my face, it sends chills up my spine and heat rises through my entire body. I look him in the eyes and for a moment we just stare into each other's eyes until I inch forward as if giving him permission for what he is about to do next.

His lips touch mine softly at the beginning. When I kiss him back he turns us around and starts pushing me back towards his bed. The backs of my legs hit the edge of his bed and his arms are wrapped around my waist and he kisses me passionately now. Almost like slow motion, my back hits the bed and he's hovering over me. For a moment, he breaks away to catch his breath and he just looks at me. His finger brushes my cheek to move a piece of hair out of my face.

"Harley, I don't want to do anything if you don't want to as well... and a lot has happened in the last couple weeks and I don't want to move too fast and risk something going wrong." he says quietly with genuine eyes. I feel comfortable with him, he makes me feel like myself and I think I'm falling in love with him, but he's right. I do need to wait for my heart to heal first.

I sit up and kiss him one more time before standing up and saying, "You're right, now I have to go work out if you'd like to join me." I look back over my shoulder and smile at him and he just stands there shocked.

I open his door and start to walk out when I see the girls walking out of their rooms and Steve at the end of the hallway. My face is red and I can't seem to wipe the ridiculous smile away. I look down the hall at Steve knowing that he saw me walk out of Loki's room and it makes me want to go jump into Loki's arms even more.

As I make my way down the stairs into the kitchen and lounge, I see Sharon and stop dead in my tracks. Nat comes up next to me without me seeing her and says,

"I guess she's been asking Tony for a job since her and Steve want to be closer together, it's dumb because I actually think Tony is considering it too."

With what she says I stomp down the stairs and make my way to Tony, who she's trying to talk to and I interrupt and say,

"Tony! Good morning, I need to speak with you right now. Sorry for interrupting but I need him now." I say pulling Tony away from Sharon and glaring at her in the process.

"Tony, you can't give her a job here. You know how much drama she causes between all of us and she's just going to be a distraction for Steve and we won't be able to take him on missions because he'll be too busy doing her." I glared at him and took a deep breath of air as I just went on my rant in one breath.

"Harley, do you really believe that I want to hire her or give her something to do here? She'll ruin this place in the first 30 seconds but Fury gave me orders and I have to listen to him, I'm sorry."

I roll my eyes and walk away as I know Steve has something to do with this and I know I'm going to be miserable doing anything here now. Maybe I'll move out and quit this job. I can not stand her and now she's going to be working with me. I can't believe it, this isn't fair!

I jog back up the stairs to go back to Loki's room because we have nothing going on today and the indoor pool was finally being finished last night and now we can go swimming but I don't feel like being down there with everyone. By the time I get to his door I don't even knock. I just walked in, at first I didn't feel bad until I saw that he was walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him. This is the second time I've seen him getting out of the shower and this time I don't even try to hide that I'm looking at him.

His hair is curly from being wet and his body is glistening from the left over water that is still on his body. He chuckles when I throw myself on to his bed and sigh. He must know about Sharon since his brother is friends with Steve. I roll onto my side and he has his back towards me and is digging through his dresser for clothes. He chose another pair of black jeans and a black tshirt, something unusual for him, but it looks good on him.

"Tony must have hired her I'm assuming, considering the mood you're in." He laughs and turns around and walks to the bathroom.

I don't even answer him, I just follow him to the bathroom and hug him. He turns around and hugs me back, I love how kind he can be when he really cares about someone and when he's not killing anyone. We sit there for what feels like hours, just hugging when I look at him and ask,

"Can we just stay in your room and watch movies today? I don't want to be around everyone right now." When I ask the question I make sure to use puppy dog eyes to get my way because I want to spend one whole day with him for once.

Loki sighs, "Fine, but make them good movies, not those corny romance movies. I hate those ones."

I laugh and run to the bed to turn his tv on but he beats me to it. He picks the first movie and chooses a muder mystery series that he restarted. I told him we were only watching a couple episodes and then watching something I wanted to watch.


Hours go by before we realize that it's now dark outside and it's almost 7:30pm... almost dinner time. Which means we need to head down for food. We get up and I put my hair into a bun and we walk down to the lounge where everyone is eating pizza. I knew we were going to get some looks but I didn't think everyone in the room was going to look.

"Wow, she shows herself!" Nat says jokingly. I laugh with her until Sharon jumps in and says,

"She was probably too busy with her new man all day to pay attention to anything that happened today", she looks at Steve and laughs and everyone but Steve glares at her.

I must have gotten mad because my eyes started to glow and she looked up at me with shock and Loki grabbed my hand and said,

"Harley, she's not worth it. Don't waste your time or energy with her." he looks at Nat for reassurance and she nods her head. 

I let go of Loki's hand and grabbed a box of pizza and walked back up to the room where I ate my pizza and waited for Loki to come back to the room. I knew him and Nat were going to talk and I didn't realize how tired I was until I fell asleep while watching another murder mystery movie. 

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