Chapter One | A Trip's Beginning

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"Wait a sec. Where did my bags go?"

"They're literally right next to you!"

"Where am I sitting?"

"Well, since you're short you should probably go in the back too."

"No! I don't want to sit next to Luke and Zander! I don't have the patience to be listening to their giggling for the next two hours!"

"Oh, well I'm so sorry our affection disgusts you, Milly!"

"Guys, please stop fighting! I can sit back with them if that makes things easier!"

"Wait, I think I need to go back to my house. I forgot my swimsuit."

"It's literally going to be fifty degrees out, Jake!"

"I want to swim in the lake!"

"Can everyone just get in the damn car, please?!"

All eyes turned onto the angered aqua-haired girl who was so desperately pleading for organization and order.

"Jeez, sorry, Hailey," Milly said with an eye roll, offended by the harsh language.

"I'm sorry I snapped," Hailey apologised, yet still holding anger, "But this is literally just the next two hours of our lives! It doesn't matter who sits where! And I really don't want to be pitching our tents in the dark. Plus we still have to stop for dinner along the way."

"Hailey's right, guys," Sean agreed, "Let's just get seated."

"Ugh, fine," Milly scoffed in reluctant agreement, "I'll sit in the back as long as Luke and Zander can agree to cool it with the PDA."

"Stop exaggerating!" Zander yelled, annoyed by the pink-haired girl, "It's not like we're making out right next to you! We don't act that overly affectionate!"

"Oh, really? This isn't overly affectionate?" Milly then proceeded to dazedly tuck her hair behind her ears, and in an over-the-top amplified voice, she simultaneously mocked and cooed, "'You're so cute,' 'You're cute,' 'No, you-"

"Shut up!" Zander shouted, face red, cutting her off, "We don't talk like that!"

Sean then quickly injected himself into the conversation, not wanting to give Milly a chance to reply, "Okay, clearly we can't have Milly and Zander next to one another. What about I sit in the back with Luke and Zander, and in the next row up, Jake takes right window, Hailey takes left window, and Milly sits in the middle?"

In a stammering voice that was slightly flustered from Zander and Milly's conversation, Luke answered, "Um, I'd be okay with that."

Exhaling irritated energy, Zander concurred, "Yeah, that sounds good."

"So everyone is okay with this?" Hailey asked, eager progress may be made.

Whether it was verbal or physical, everyone expressed agreement to the plan.

"Great, let's get in the car," Hailey announced, "My dad, Zander's mom, and Bethany will be out soon, and then we'll start driving."

Everyone then started moving, shuffling toward the car. As Hailey watched, she sighed, reflecting on what led to this moment.


Hailey stood at the head of the music club room, and in a clear concise voice, she announced, "Okay, everyone! Really good work today! We're on track for everyone to have all their sheet music memorized by the end of next week!"

"Wait a sec," Jake said, caught off guard, "Sorry, Hails. I know you're the club leader and all, but we still have, like five minutes left."

Hailey slightly sighed at the nickname. She wasn't sure exactly when Jake had started calling her that -- it just seemed to happen naturally and unnoticeably happen. She had actually disliked the nickname "Hails" for most of her life. But for some reason with Jake it just didn't feel like something worth stopping. Bringing herself back on track, Hailey answered, "Actually, thanks for pointing that out, Jake. I have ended rehearsals a tad early because Zander and I have a small announcement. So, you know how we have a three day weekend because Monday's a teacher work day?"

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