"It's Feliciano Vargas here, butler at the B-Beilschmidt Manor" 

"One moment" 

A voice sounded before it went silent. Feliciano took the phone in front of him in a moment of disbelief, before putting it back to his ear, waiting quietly. 



The moment he heard the voice, his legs felt numb and he fell to the floor. 

"Ludwig! Is it really you?" Feliciano half whispered back, holding the phone tight. 

"It's really nice to hear your voice again.." 

"I've missed your voice too" Feliciano replied with total honesty. "How has it been over there? I hope you've had some good Austrian bakery like I told you to?"

"It would've been nice, but I haven't really had the time to go anywhere. I guess it also would be sort of lonely to walk around in such a beautiful place alone" 

"Aww that sucks" Feliciano replied disappointedly. "I always kinda saw you as the solidary type eeh?"

"I.. think several people have that impression" Ludwig replied defeated. 

"Don't worry Ludwig, you have me now.. and I promise to take you to the best places if I'm ever there with you! I'm not the smartest but I know my cuisine, including Austrian remember?"

"Yes I do. And I will look forward to that if so." 

"Wait, really?" Feliciano replied suprised, not realizing Ludwig took the offer as an actual offer. Only Ludwig could suprise him like that, even though they had been talking somewhat easy going.

"Umm.. also"

Feliciano perked up and listened intently where he was sitting on the floor. He was still holding the phone tightly as if it would leave if he didn't.

"I-It's... it's been quite lonely here" he said quietly. 

As the words entered his brain, Feliciano could feel butterflies in his stomach, spreading throughout his entire body. He felt the tremors reach his hands and his legs would've been jelly had he been standing. Was Ludwig really missing him? Of all people?

"It's been very lonely here too, without you" Feliciano murmured softly. "Elizabeta has been showing me extra care, I think she notices how lost I'm here when you're not around"

"Without me?" he asked in disbelief, talking a little louder and faster than earlier.  

"Because of you of course!" Feliciano chuckled. "Please come back as soon as possible. We all miss you"

"Right. I should get going so-"

"Also Ludwig?" 


"I think you should expect a hug when you come back. Giving you a warning this time" Feliciano teased. He twirled a piece of hair with his left hand.

"I see.. I will see you later Feliciano"

"See you later"

Feliciano heard the distinctive click on the other end and breathed out. His face felt hot and his body was still trembling slightly. Once he had settled he got back to his feet and put the phone back on the desk. His right hand was sore from gripping the phone so hard. He rubbed his hand in circular motions, hoping to get some blood back to it. 

"Who would've thought he missed me too..." 


Ludwig hung the phone back on the wall by coffee table in the hallway. He knew he couldn't leave the chair before calming himself down, feeling jittery all over. It was good he had sent the maids away from the hallway as he spoke, it would've been hard to explain the conversation. It would also be hard for him to explain why his usually pale face had a blush and his hands were clammy, but the fact that he had to pack and get ready was more imminent. 

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