Chapter 12

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Holy knight
Move move people we have a woman that is pregnant move

What's going on here

Holy knight
Good timing doc here she needs your help the baby they said they were walking in the desert for over three months  and she was pregnant

That's a miracle wait what you were pregnant and walking in the desert oh no no no we have to help you ASAP everybody get ready OK just breathe OK just breathe Everything is gonna be OK I'm kidding it's a joke I'm sorry 123 push One more 123 push there everything is good the baby is fine here you go congratulations by the way

She looks beautiful and what should I name her Samantha no or Diane no

Galand whispers into melascula ears and self mela

Mela that's a beautiful name mela You're going to be one of the most kindest dinner I'm going to make your father would be proud if only he was here

So did you find a name for her or do you need help

No I named her mela and she will be a great person

That's a beautiful name OK you have to stay here for two months for you can get back all your strength and then you'll be good

2 months later

Finally I am out of that place let's go mela and try to find a place that we can stay and then next I will but you clothing I hope she doesn't have any of our powers I hope not

The seller
So he came here to buy this house sure that will be 100,000 gold

Oh well well that's not that much here you go And have fun with that much gold ok look mela our new home this is where we're gonna stay until you or 15 let's go buy something to eat

Melascula and mela go somewhere to eat and then the pumping into a old enemy

Melascula is that you you have a kid now wow I wonder who you did it with what is it frandrin no or maybe it was with Galand yeah that's right

At least I had someone that love me and a kid look at you you have nobody to love you your big brother died and your other brother almost killed you so just leave us alone bye

Mr midnight
Oh hey there melascula are you two doing you know it's not the same without you into walking in my bar it made me happy but I didn't want him to leave sometimes when the air open the door I always think it Galand and I know it is

I miss him too and I wish that he would be here to say hi to his daughter do you want to see mela

Mr midnight
Yeah I would love to oh my god she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen hi there mela I'm your uncle I'm your dad's friend you can call me midnight or Mr. midnight I don't know it's the same thing

We must have to leave now but it was nice seeing you again mr midnight

Mr midnight
Have a great day It was nice seeing you too

Holy knights
Melascula you'll have to come with us to talk to the king he wants to tell you some questions about you and galand

Yeah but am I in trouble or or is he just going to tell me question

No you're not in trouble he just wants to tell you some questions come with us

They get the palace

Your majesty she is here and she's ready for you can ask her the questions

Bring her in if she's ready I'm ready

Your majesty I am melascula a domen and I know you people don't like us but you have to let us stay here

We like every race fairy demon goddess titans so you're good you don't have to worry about that now I ask you a question

Yes sir you may

How did you get here so quickly when you were pregnant did you run or did you use your powers

No the demon king helped us we were far away we were hungry and then the demon king pick us up and we are here now

OK next question do you think your baby has your powers or Galand because if she has both of them she can destroy this hole kingdom and we don't want that

3 hours later

Thank you for your service hill now may leave and go back home have a great day

Thank you your majesty thank you so much for letting us stay here and loving us thank you I hope you have a great day to

They get home

We are back home mela now it's time to go to sleep sweet dreams mela I love you

Mr midnight
I will take care of mela just like how did Galand Took care of me when I was smaller thank you dad for taking care of me

This is where it ends guys this story continues on my other book the legacy of Galand go check it out this book was fun to make but now it's time to move on

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