Chapter 8 

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Galan finally fines the kingdom

Finally I found it man if the creator of this book didn't took so long

The creator of the book
I'm sorry ok

OK where is this bar at he said that we were gonna meet up in the bar wait monspiet what are you doing here

I followed you all the way towards here I only wanted to see Who is your friend because I didn't know that you had friends oh I knew is that you have your little girlfriend

Wow or you just follow me just to see that you know what just tell me why are you actually here aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend like protecting her like you always say but you never do it she's the one that he's protecting you

OK OK calm down I only came here just for the beer in this bored well anyways have you seen the

Mr midnight
Sorry for keep you waiting what do you fellas want i'll look is my favorite customer

Wait you know him how do you know him

Long story so I am yeah like to use your room of the last time 

What do you mean long story tell me the story


Mr midnight
So what happened was it was him and his girlfriend they just came in here and just told me what did I have for a drink so I gave them the most famous one and they liked it so they got drunk and I gave them a  room and I was trying to sleep but his girlfriend was doing a lot of noises what's your name

Oh I see so you did have sex you know I'm not gonna make fun of you I'm actually happy for you her name is melascula

Why did you tell him why just give me my wine

Mr midnight
Sorry but the story was too interesting I had to tell people

At least you didn't lie if you did (giggles) if you don't mind can you lie to me

Mr midnight
Yeah I should just keep my mouth shut

Anyways so if you don't mind can you give me a room when I bring my lover

Mr midnight
Yeah anytime but it's gonna cost you

Laughs I got it for free

Two hours has past

So do you like them

What do you mean

Monspiet do you like him or not I mean he's very close you

Look who's talking you're also very close to galan  but I will ask the question do do like like him And what about you do you like galan because I heard that you two had sex and also you always sit on his shoulder

I sit on his shoulder because I get tired and  I'm small wait Who told you me and him had sex

When you were sleeping you said everything and also you see on his shoulder because you like it walks around you don't fly you just sit on the shoulder

When I was sleeping OK yes I do like sitting on his shoulder and I don't know if I do like them or not it's hard

What are you two talking how about over here oh I know you are talking about galan and you were talking about mine monspiet right



Don't worry they're together in a bar they're gonna be fine you to always get worried about them anyways see you

Laughs loud you too really need to stop anyways but the only thing be ready when the seven deadly sins come back

What do you think we're doing we're already strong the seven deadly sins isn't gonna do anything

They are all week

So  monspiet if someone killed derieri what would you do

I will find them first and torture him and tell them you will regret everything what you just did

Weak if someone killed melascula no what would I do I would've and if I don't love her now I will never love her again and I can see you scared but it will never break my love with her

That's something weird to hear about you I've never heard you say that but that would actually work you actually have a heart

I will take that as a complement for the first time ever you say something nice about me

The seven deadly sins are on their way to kill all the 10 Commandments in chapter 9

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