Chapter 7

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Hello guys how long has it been

How there you to come here for what you did trader

Hey I'm only here to say hi to my old friends

That's it you think we are your friends you should be ashamed of yourself for what you did to us leave them to me he's mine I still have a lot of anger on him

Are you guys are still mad about that I thought you guys would forget about it because it has been 3000 years

How can we not forget the only reason that we received for 3000 years was because of you and look now we're getting our powers back and you won't be sorry

Well it was a was a good feeling to do it to betrayed you guys

MELIODAS you will die by my hands

Meliodas grabs his head and slams his face to the ground

Everybody so shocked Emily already scrubbed his face and slams his face because he thought the Meliodas didn't have his powers back

Will it was nice to see you guys again and galan ban said that next time he sees you he won't go easy on you because you were taking his time for he can see his lover

Get him before he leaves

He's gone

Hey galan you're no match for him anymore so next time don't fight him because melascula will be scared to lose you

Oww oh now you wanna start come on bring it on 

Galan just stop I'm worried about you so stop please no more

Fine i'm only doing it because my head hurts

She finally admitted it she's in love with him see I knew it I knew that she was in love with him

And you still haven't told her that you love her

What are you talking about I have no one that I love you OK so now keep it to yourself

No you do have someone that you love you and I know who it is you want me to say her name is derieri Now look who's talking just leave us alone will will leave you two alone

Do you to ever stop talking I'm trying to sleep over here and those are arguing with me I saw everything what happened

And where are you going galan look I said what I said OK you're no match for him so don't go off and try to fight with them

I'm not going for meliodas i'm going to see an old friend that me and melascula saw when we were on a trip I did us a favor so I'm going to him and returning the favor and I owe

Let me go with you galan because I'm afraid that you're gonna get hurt and I'm worried about you

Melascula you have to stop worrying about me I will be fine I promise and that's not a lie so no let me go

Galan  jumps over two kingdoms in one jump  The kingdom that he's going is the same kingdom that they went

Man where is this kingdom at I don't remember the kingdom been this far but I will find it and I will return the favor to a friend

The story will continue in chapter 8 Galan finds his old friend

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