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Finals ate up way more than i expected jeez. I'll post five a couple of days from now.

Dr. Romani had just arrived at your apartment for his daily visit.

Romani:Y/N you here?

No answer.

Romani:if you're playing i'm just coming in.

What he saw inside was horrific. You were slumped in the wall, not breathing while covered in flowers.

Romani:hey Y/N stay with me! Damnit!


Yuigahama:can i come in?

Yukinoshita:go ahead.

Yuigahama:are you guys going to visit Y/N again?


Hachiman:yeah.i was forced to.

Yuigahama:then lets go! We don't want him to keep waiting right?

The Service Club left school grounds earlier than usual to visit Y/N and his current condition. Without knowing he's in deep sleep.....

(Couple of minutes later)

Yuigahama:why isn't anyone answering?

Hachiman:it's also locked. Maybe he went to get food?

Yukinoshita:considering his condition, he can't move around too much.

Yuigahama:you never know. He might've gotten better.

Hachiman:please be fine Y/N. Hopefully you still haven't succumbed to that disease.

Neighbor:who are you kids?

Yuigahama:oh, are you Y/N's neighbor?

Neighbor:yeah, the kid was out cold and was taken to the hospital, paramedics said he wasn't even breathing.

The Service Members were in disbelief. Their worries skyrocketed and were panicking in the inside.

Yukinoshita:do you know where he was taken to?

Neighbor:ah sure, i'll write the address.


Yuigahama:why didn't he tell us about anything? Why does he need to shoulder everyone's burden?

Yukinoshita:that's his nature. He can't just stand idly while everyone around him is in pain. He might've helped every single person in the school but no one's ever reached out to him ever since his parents died.

Hachiman:that is way too accurate. Goes to show she's been observant with him. Only problem is she doesn't know how he'll react when someone reaches out to him.

Yukinoshita:He reaches out to everyone because he feels the need to. He probably has heard everyone's feelings and problems and has taken them as his own. That's his problem. His saviour complex.

???:oh? And who are all of you now?

Hachiman:we're here for a patient named Y/N L/N. Do you know where his room is?

Romani:ah yes, are you his friends?

Yukinoshita:more or less. Will you tell us your affliations with him?

Romani:i'm his acting guardian, Dr. Romani Archaman. I've taken you've heard what happened to him?

Yuigahama:what did happen to him?

Romani:this is gonna take awhile to explain so please let's talk somewhere more private.

(Lil timeskip brought to you by Y/N passed out in his hospital bed)

Yukinoshita:would you tell us about his condition now?

Hachiman/Romani:way too blunt and straightforward!

Romani:a-ah sorry! I'm still checking his files for more information about his condition.

Romani:ah here it is.

Yuigahama:what does it say?

Romani:do you know the myth of the Hanahaki disease?

Yuigahama:the disease that blooms inside the sick person? I thought those weren't real?

Romani:i really wanted that to be the case so i tested him for every lung-related diseases. Pneumonia, Bronchitis,Lung Cancer and others. But his condition is just too bizarre to explain.

Yukinoshita:could you tell us more into detail about this disease?

Romani:This disease only and only grows out of control if the person affected has really fallen inlove. It starts off as chest pains,shortness of breathing. But in a couple of weeks or months flowers grows inside his lungs.

Yuigahama:wait literally flowers?

Romani:yes. He'll sometimes cough it up as petals or in flowers. Often bloody since it passes through his trachea.

Yukinoshita:so that's the reason why he's been going to the bathroom way too often...

Romani:i take it he's hidden his condition to all of you?


Romani:really that kid. It just doesn't feel right to him that someone will reach out to him a couple of times. Guess the accident must've triggered this new personality of his.

Hachiman:can we see him?

Romani:sadly no. I would try sneaking all of you in but if i get caught i'll likely lose my job.

Yukinoshita:why would you try to go to such lengths to sneak us?

Romani:because you're his friends. As much as he hates being helped out he definitely needs someone to carry his burden.

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