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"it hurts."

You know it hurts. But you still had to live this life.

You know every breath you took was painful. Every now and then you'd cough up either blood or a cherry blossom petal or both.

Y/N:i.. still have to get to school...

You were alone at your house. Both of your parents died from a traffic incident but you still kept moving forward no matter what.

Y/N:(cough) (cough)..

You got up and took a bath and had taken a slice of bread for breakfast and immediately headed to Sobu High.

(At the Service Club room)

Y/N:may i come in?

Yukino:go on ahead.

There you spotted her. Her silky black hair and her blue eyes that reflected the sky. Oh how you wished that you could say that she is beautiful right now.

Yukino:um, is everything all right       Y/N?

Y/N:huh- oh yes i'm sorry. I just got lost in thought again.

Yukino:you shouldn't be overworking yourself too much. I've seen 4 people asking for advice to you yesterday.

Your mother was a  well-known psychologist and your father was the family doctor of the Yukinoshita's, thus explaining your long-time relationship with each member of the family.

Y/N:how ironic. You've gotten the burden of managing the prom and yet you can't let me do my work?

Yukino:there's nothing insulting about saying that you shouldn't take a break every while and then.

Y/N:then why shouldn't you take one as well?

Yukino:why are you now concerned about my wellbeing now? Aren't we talking about yours?

Y/N:(mumbles)it's because i like-

Both of you were interrupted when both of you saw the 2 other members of the Service Club.

Yuigahama:can we enter?

Yukino:come on in.

Hikigaya went in first with his signature dead-fish eyes and Yuigahama with her greeting:




Yuigahama:i've done this greeting for quite awhile and both of you still aren't greeting back the same! One more time!


Hikigaya:that was oddly cute.

Yukino:i can sense your having sinful thoughts, Hikigaya-kun.

Hikigaya:get out of my head please.

Then the three of them had a bit of a chat until...

Y/N:my chest is acting up again. Was it because i've been way too close to her?

Yuigahama:Y/N-san are you alright? You're looking pale again.

Y/N:i have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back.

Yukino:be careful.

Hikigaya:i also have to pee.

Yukino:then would you accompany him? He's looking pale so you could drop him off the infi-

Y/N:no it's okay! I'll just go to the bathroom and this'll be over.

Yuigahama:wait Y/N!

You were already gone. You took your legs and ran like there was no tomorrow. It didn't matter where you would end up, just far from everyone is enough.

Y/N:(huff) (huff) (cough) (cough) guess it also cuts stamina in half huh. I shouldn't be too surprised since there's flowers in my damn chest.

 I shouldn't be too surprised since there's flowers in my damn chest

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Y/N:it's bloodier than usual.. Guess my time's near

???:who's time exactly?

Y/N:who's there?

Hikigaya:calm down jeez, it's just me.

Y/N:so you've found out huh.

Hikigaya:i wouldn't call it finding out. You've been trying so hard to hide evidence of you spewing out flowers and it's insane that i've only noticed last week. How long has this been happening?

Y/N:last month. You already know what i'm suffering from right?

Hikigaya:more or less. It's the Hanahaki disease right?


Hikigaya:then the only thing left now is-

Y/N:to find the one i love? Don't get me wrong i want this disease to end but i don't think she'll like me. Considering she already has someone close to her heart.

Y/N then picks himself up and dusts himself, taking a deep inhale and exhale.

Hikigaya:what are you doing?

Y/N:what does it look like? Just trying to adjust my breathing.

Hikigaya:i see.

Y/N:but can i ask you a favor?

Hikigaya:you don't want me to tell a soul am i right?

Y/N:hopefully you'll stick to the promise.

Hikigaya:what do i get in this deal though?

Y/N:hmm.. what about a certain pink-haired girl's heart?

Hikigaya:you've gotta be joking.

Y/N:i may be sick but i'm not blind Hikitani-san.


Y/N:i'll keep my end of the deal and you'll keep yours. Deal?

Hikigaya:fine. But if you cough up more again i'm sending you to the hospital.

Y/N:hopefully that doesn't come to that.

(A/N's Notes)
I should probably keep this story short since this is a bit of a remedial for my writer's block (screw you.)

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