"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She asked making me jump out of my thoughts.

"You're just strange."


"That came out wrong, I meant to say intriguing or something like that.." I trailed off and the awkwardness lingered in the air.

"Malfoy, you're strange."

"What? No I'm not!"

She glared at me and nodded.

"And stop getting offended by everything, I mean it in all good fun. You need to stop taking things so seriously."

"I don't take things-"

She leaned forward and kisses me before I could finish. Her hands came up to the sides of my face and she giggled against my lips.

"Stop being grumpy."

"Grumpy? I'll show you grumpy." I said playfully.

I kissed her back and lifted her up onto the counter. A small clatter made her pull away.

"Ah my tea!" She exclaimed.

The cup had tipped over and spilled all over the counter. I looked at it and just shrugged. I didn't care about the mess at that moment. I just wanted to taste the sweetness from her. No wonder her skin tasted like honey, she eats too much damn sugar.

She looked at me sadly and I rolled my eyes.

"It's just tea. It's not the end of the world."

"You have to make me more." She said plainly.


She started to fold her arms.

"Fine." I replied.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. Why did she control me so easily? Not fair.

Our lips finally touched again and then she decided to move lower towards my jaw. She was really irritating yet addicting. Is that how she feels about me?

She began to suck at my skin and I had to hold onto the edge of the counter for support. I never wanted her to stop but I think I would've fainted if she kept it up for any longer.

"There, now you've got a Westworth mark." She said proudly.

I stared at her in awe and she kissed me again. The hem of the jumper lifted up above her legs and I looked down at the exposed skin there. God I couldn't take it.

She ruffled my hair and hopped down off the counter. The bubble of desire in my head popped.

"Where are you going?" I asked slightly tempted to take her hand.

I didn't mean to sound whiny but it just kind of came out that way.

"To make some food, sometimes I get hungry."

"I wasn't done with you."

Her eyes widened at me and I realized what had just come out of my mouth. I decided to go with it and grabbed her waist pulling her back towards me. She gasped and fell victim to my attack of kisses.

After a while we both came up for air letting out a bit of laughter. She rested her head against my chest and for the first time I felt like I actually needed to take care of something, like it was my job to keep someone safe. That someone just so happened to be Amelia.

I needed to tell her how I really felt but it's terrifying. If I kept on denying it, we would never have to cross that line and we could opt out at anytime. She would stay completely free.  Was it selfish that I wanted to have this forever though?

"Make me teaaaa." She said pulling the front of my shirt.

Never mind, forever is a really long time...

Amelia's POV

At 9 pm I brushed my teeth and put on my glasses that I had finally found. I examined my face in the mirror and squeaked. I had about five visible hickeys on my neck.

"Oh my god Draco.." I muttered.

I walked downstairs and found him dissecting a sandwich I made.

"You're supposed to eat it, not give it an exam."

He looked at me and stood up from the bar stool he was sitting on.



"There's something.. uh.."

A deafening crash made both of us fall to the floor. A loud ringing was suddenly in my left ear. There was a kind of black smoke. Tile and glass was strewn across the floor.

I felt a hand grab onto my own and recognized it as Draco's. He pulled me into the living room and looked at me like he'd seen a ghost. Or he was the ghost. He looked extremely pale.

"You need to hide."

He held onto my hand tighter and led me to a closet. Once I was inside he left the door open a crack and looked at me with sad looking eyes.

"I..." he started. "Be quiet. Don't move. Got it?"

"What?? What's happening?"

"Just shut up and stay out of sight!" He yelled in a whisper.

There was a loud whooshing sound and Draco moved away from the closet frantically. I held my breath and tried to stop my heart from beating out of my chest.

A voice I didn't recognize began to speak.

Draco's HufflepuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora