Chapter Seven

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*Emma's POV*
This is it. We're going to my parent's apartment to move out all my stuff and I'm moving in with the two people I love most of all. Yeah, I've been here for 6 days. But I'm in love. Regina had her hand on my thigh and it calmed me down. A lot. I smiled at her and watched the scenery around me. Before I knew it, we were there. "This is it." I said with a smile. Regina smiled and turned her car off. We all got out and Henry ran inside the building. I laughed as I grabbed Regina's hand, intertwining our fingers. She looked at me and smiled. She was on the left of me and I saw her look at our hands. She smiled as we walked into the building. It was only eleven o'clock. When we reached their door, Henry was waiting for us. I smiled at him as he quickly knocked on the door. Snow opened the door and smiled as she saw us. "Well, hello. Come in." She said. We smiled and walked in the apartment. "So, mom. Where's dad?" I asked. She smiled, then dad walked in. I chuckled lightly. "Sit, sit." Snow said. I nodded and Regina sat on the couch. I sat beside her and she laid her hand on my thigh. Snow and Charming sat in chairs across from us and Henry sat in the floor. He smiled up at us. "So, mom, dad." I started and Regina squeezed my knee. My parents looked concerned. "Regina and I are engaged." I said with a proud smile. They smiled. "Congratulations." David said. We both smiled. "Let me see the ring?" Snow asked. I nodded and held up my left hand. Snow's face lit up. "Regina it's beautiful." My mom said and looked at Regina, causing her to smile. "Okay. So, I have decided, that I will be moving in with Regina." I said and looked at my parents. Their eyes went wide. "And when will this move be happening?" Snow asked. "Today." I answered. They sighed. "Emma. We need to talk. Mother to daughter." Snow said. I raised an eyebrow. "Uh, Regina. Henry. Why don't the three of us go and start packing Emma's stuff for her." David said. Snow shot him the death glare and he chuckled awkwardly. Regina kissed me lightly and then followed David and Henry up the stairs. I looked at my mom. "Emma. You are still our daughter. Where were you last night?" She asked. I smiled. "I spent the night with Regina." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "Emma, I know you love her. But, don't you think you're moving too fast? You need to slow down. This isn't a good choice. You should stay with us." She asked. I shook my head. "No. I don't. I'm in love. We are moving in together. We are getting married. We are moving in together today and I'm sorry if you don't approve." I said and stood up, then ran up the stairs to my room, tears rushing down my face. I walked in and slammed the door. Regina, Henry and dad all looked up at me. Regina rushed over and grabbed my hands. "Emma, what is it?" She said. I shook my head. "Henry, David. Can you excuse us?" She asked. David nodded and they both left, shutting the door behind them. She looked me in the eyes and placed her hands on my cheeks. "Emma. What's wrong?" She asked. I cried harder. She pulled me in and held me tight. "Let's sit on the bed dear." She said. I nodded and we moved to the bed. She leaned against my headboard and I leaned my head against her chest, uncontrollably sobbing. She had a hand on my head and a hand on my lower back. "Sh, Emma. It's okay." She said. After 20 minutes, my sobs had died down, leaving me feeling empty and numb. Regina kissed my head. "What happened?" She asked again. "Regina. Snow wants us to slow down. She wants me to wait on marrying you. She wants me to wait on moving in with you. She doesn't think it's a good choice. Regina, I'm not waiting." I said. She kissed my forehead. "Emma." She said quietly. "Regina. Don't you dare tell me that we can wait. I cannot get a decent amount of sleep without you holding me or me holding you. Regina. I want you in my arms every night. I don't care where it is. This bed, your bed, a bed in a hotel, on the flor somewhere, I don't care. I just want you. I want to wake up to you everyday for the rest of my life. I have been waiting for this my entire life. I will not risk losing you again! I will not!" I screamed. Regina rubbed my back. "Oh Emma." She said. I sat up and looked into her eyes. "You're moving today." She said and kissed me lightly on the lips. I nodded. "I love you." She said. I smiled and kissed her nose. "I love you too." I said back. She brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and we stood up. After 2 hours, Regina and I had successfully packed all my stuff. My clothes fit in 4 large suitcases and the rest of my stuff fit in two boxes. It was sad, but who cares. I'm going to live with my family. It was 1:30 and Regina kissed my forehead. "Let's get to moving." I said. She smiled and we walked out of my room, down the stairs and saw Henry playing a video game with dad. Mom was sitting by the window. I cleared my throat awkwardly and the 3 of them looked at us. "Uh, everything's packed... Dad, Hen, you guys wanna help us move it to the car?" I asked. They nodded and ran past us, up the stairs. "Mom, you can help too.." I said. She shook her head. I sighed and Regina kissed my temple. "Go on up. I'm going to talk to your mom." She said. I nodded and walked up the stairs.
*Regina's POV*
I slowly walked over to Snow and sat in the chair beside hers. "Snow... Look, I wanted to do this the right way. And yeah I know, we're moving fast, but I'm not losing her again." I said. Snow looked up at me with a look of pure disgust. "You think that's the problem? Regina, we love you. But, Emma hardly knows you." She said. I felt my heart break. "You would've had us married off 12 years ago if Emma hadn't been taken. What's the difference?" I spit. She sighed. "Regina-" She started, but I cut her off. "You don't get to talk. This is happening." I said and walked away. I walked up the stairs and smiled at the 3 who were waiting on me. I smiled and grabbed a box. It was kinda heavy, but I was not showing a weakness. David grabbed 2 suitcases and Emma grabbed the other box. Henry watched because he couldn't lift this stuff. "Put it in the back of my truck. I'll drive it over." David said. I smiled. "Thanks dad." Emma said. I walked down the stairs and let me tell you. Heels, three flights of stairs and a heavy box? Hell. I slid the box to the back of David's truck bed, Emma following behind. Then David slid the suitcases in. We walked back up the stairs and I grabbed the other two suitcases. Emma smirked as I walked back down the stairs. I was a little out of breath when I got down the stairs I slid the suitcases in and I closed the truck bed. I turned around and bumped into Emma. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and kissed her lightly. "Guess what." Emma said. I smiled. "What?" I asked and looked into her eyes. "At the end of today? I'm going to be sleeping with the mayor." She said with a smirk. I smiled. "Guess what." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to be sleeping with my true love." I said. She smirked. "Me too." She said. I smiled. "I can't wait to get a good nights sleep." I said. She nodded. "Ready?" I asked. She smiled. "I've never been more ready for something in my life." She said. I kissed her lightly, then we walked back up the stairs. We smiled at our son, then David smiled and walked down the stairs. "Bye mom." Emma said and looked at her mom. Snow frowned and stared out the window. "Let's go." Emma said with a sigh. Henry ran out the door and ran down the stairs. I laid a hand on Emma's back and we walked out. We walked down the stairs and to my car. "Can I ride with David?" Henry asked. Emma nodded and he ran to David's truck. Emma and I drove home in mostly silence. We parked in the driveway and got out. We carried the boxes and bags to mine and Emma's room and I smiled. Everything was in here in less than 30 minutes. David left and Henry was watching tv in his room. I had half the closet for Emma.
She unpacked her clothes then went to the boxes. There were pictures of Emma when she was younger. There was a high school yearbook. And different novels. Then, I came across the blanket. Emma's baby blanket. The beautiful knit, white blanket with purple ribbon around the edge and 'Emma' stitched in purple thread. I pulled it out of the box and held it to my chest. Emma smiled at me as a tear dripped down my cheek. "Emma... This is..." I said and the words got caught in my throat. She walked over and sat in the floor beside me, then wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "You kept it. All these years." I said. She smiled. "You made it. When I got taken, this blanket was the only thing that came into this world with me. It was the only thing I had. Even though I didn't have my memories, I felt the memories. I felt the power. This blanket gave me hope when I was being beaten and abused." Emma said. Tears were streaming down my face. "Emma. I love you." I said and looked at her. She nodded. "I love you too." She said. I stood up, still holding the blanket close to me and I folded it into a square, with 'Emma' on the top. I smiled and laid it on the nightstand. Then, walked back to Emma and sat back in the floor. I came across a picture in a frame. It was Emma when she was younger. With a girl. Brunette. She looks like a younger me. My eyebrow twitched. "Emma. Who is this?" I said and pointed at the girl. She smiled. "That's Lily. She was the only friend I had. And she lied to me the whole time we were friends." Emma said. I looked at Emma. And she looked at me. "Holy shit. I know why I kept this picture." She said. I raised an eyebrow. "Regina. Look at this picture." She said and stood up, then walked over to a picture of me when I was 15. I stood up and met her at the picture. She set the picture of her and Lily down beside of and pointed at it. "She looks like you. That's why i kept this picture. She reminded me of someone. I could never remember who. But, now I do." Emma said. I smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. She put her arm around my shoulders and we walked back over to the boxes. We had emptied them. Emma was officially moved in and living here. She smiled as she flashed the boxes away. I chuckled at Emma. I looked at the clock and saw it was 3 o'clock. Emma kissed my head and I kissed her cheek. "Can we take a nap?" Emma whined. I chuckled but nodded my head. We climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over us. We tangled our bodies together, then drifted off to sleep, holding each other. This is how it's going to be for the rest of our lives and I am so damn happy for that.

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