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I threw snowballs at Merida's window until she opened it with frustration, she looked cute when she was mad.
"Leave me alone Frost" she hissed and started closing the window until I threw another snowball at her.
You could see the fury in her eyes automatically, and I knew I was in for it. She began to climb out of her window onto the branch I was on. I jumped off and started running down her large garden. She jumped off the tree with grace, her bright red hair blowing in the winter breeze. I was in a trance until I noticed how close she was getting to me and took off in a run to get out of her grasp,
"Come here Frost" she yelled.
We ran in circles for a while until I was out of breath and she grabbed me by the shoulders looked me in the eyes and kissed me. It was a short but passionate kiss, it would have been longer but her brothers came outside and made retching sounds until we stopped. Merida glared at them and whispered
"Start throwing snowballs at them when I say go" in my ear, I nodded and backed up slowly as she walked closer to them with a sickly sweet smile on her face "I'm sorry guys was that gross" she said with a baby voice "now you guys are gonna have to pay for ruining our moment" her voice turning angrier as she went on,"GO FROST" she yelled and an all out war of snow started between us and her brothers.

After what felt like forever the snowball fight ended and we went inside and drank hot chocolate with her parents.

Merida and I sat by her fireplace with my arm around her and her head on my shoulder
"hey Frost?" She asked smiling up at me
"Yeah?" I said looking into her beautiful blue eyes "I think I love you" she blushed
"I think I love you more" I smiled kissing her as we fall asleep by the fire.

That's all :)

Jarida DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now