lucas - a stranger in the flower shop

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a/n: just a quick author's note, but thank you so much for 500 reads!! it means so much to me so thank you so much! also have you all listened to day6's new mini-album? it's so good ugh 😔 🤩  anyways, enjoy this imagine <3

word count: 1168 words
in which you work as a florist and an attractive stranger comes into your flower shop.


I wrapped the flowers for the customer in front of me. It was a man who was buying flowers for his girlfriend as it was their anniversary. I loved being a florist, but I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy whenever couples were buying for each other. It made me want to find someone for myself as well, but I knew well enough that it didn't work that easily.

"All done," I said, wrapping the sky blue ribbon around the pretty bouquet the man had chosen. He thanked me and paid at the counter before grabbing the bouquet carefully. "I hope she likes them!"

"I'm sure she will," he said, smiling gratefully at me. "She loves the colours blue and white together." He stared at the snowy white and baby blue roses in the bouquet and smiled contently. "Thank you!"

With that, he walked out of the store, the little bell ringing as he left the door. I smiled to myself and started to tend to the flowers, watering them and making sure they looked presentable. As I was fixing the tulips, I heard the bell ring as someone else entered the store. 

My head popped up from behind a pot of flowers to see a tall, tanned and gorgeous boy gazing curiously around the store in awe. I ducked behind the pot once again out of embarrassment.

"He's beautiful, and he looks around my age too,"  I thought to myself but then slapped myself internally. "Get it together, Y/N. He's probably here to buy flowers for his girlfriend." After pulling myself together, I popped out from behind the pot again and greeted him as normal.

"How can I help you today?" I asked, trying not to get lost in his gentle yet captivating brown eyes. He smiled, showing off his perfect teeth and looked around the store, clearly loving the display of flowers around him.

"I'm just looking for a bouquet of green flowers," he said, smiling down at me. "Everything's so pretty here. Do you make these bouquets yourself?"

"Yeah, I prepare them myself," I said, blushing at his comment as he gazed admirably at me.

"Wow," he finally managed to get out with his deep voice. "Pretty flowers made by a pretty girl."

I laughed as I blushed harder at the compliment that he had thrown out at me so randomly. "Thank you" was all I managed to get out since I was feeling flustered. He laughed harmoniously at my state which made me smile more. 

After the awkward silence, I finally led him to a bouquet of white and green roses toward the back of the store. "How's this one?" I asked, picking up the flowers and brushing off any excess dust roaming around the room. He took it from me, our hands slightly brushing as I felt his soft skin. He smelled the roses sentimentally and grinned lopsidedly which made me smile at his cute nature.


I smiled and nodded as I led him to the counter where I tied a bow around the bouquet and wrapped it with gift paper. 

"So," I said, finishing the ribbon, "this is for your girlfriend, right?" He looked up at me surprised and just laughed. 

"Nah," he chuckled out, scratching the back of his neck. "This is for my friend. It's his birthday today, and he loves the colour green. I love flowers, so I just went to a place that I knew would make me happy when buying a gift for him."

"That's really sweet. Are you gonna get him anything else?" I smiled, looking up at his flustered face.

"I want to, but I don't know what else I would get him," he said, not breaking his eye contact with me. "Do you have any ideas?"

After his sudden question, I thought my hardest to think of a gift under the pressure. "What about just a hug? Or chocolates? I would love chocolate on my birthday."

"Great, now I know what to get you for your birthday," he laughed as I giggled along. 

"Seriously," I said, adding up the total amount for the flowers on the cash register, "chocolates and a hug would make his day. I don't know anyone who wouldn't want a hug from their friend on their birthday." 

He nodded as he took out his wallet while smiling. "Sounds good. That's what I'll do. Thank you so much!"

"No worries. I'm glad I could help!" I said making eye contact with his gorgeous eyes.

"What can I do to repay you for your help? I want to repay you in some way," I smiled but he looked very serious as I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh my god, don't worry about it!" I laughed, seeing him going to the extent that he was going to in order to unnecessarily pay me back for my 'helpful' gesture. "It's not a big deal."

"No, no, I want to," he said, smiling playfully at me. "I want to repay you. When do you get out of work?"

"Feeling bold, are we?" I laughed, taken aback by his sudden comment.

"Come on, it'll be so fun. I'll treat you to dinner tonight," he whined, pouting his lips while giving me puppy eyes.

"I just met you though. That's not very safe is it?" I questioned as he froze for a bit, thinking about his next sentence.

"But, I wanna repay you," he pouted even more as I rolled my eyes and finally nodded. 

"Fine. I get out at 6. I'll meet you back here then," I smirked as he paid for the flowers by scanning his credit card with a grin plastered on his face.

"Thanks, cutie," he winked at me and grabbed his bouquet. "I'm Lucas by the way." He extended his hand for a handshake as I giggled at his formality.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you, Lucas," I gladly shook his hand. "I hope your friend likes his flowers."

"He will," Lucas said, starting to leave, "they're pretty flowers, and they were made by a flower herself." I scoffed at his flirtatious comment. It was obviously so cheesy, but I couldn't help but smile.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes but clearly smiled like a maniac. "I'll see you tonight, Lucas."

He winked, nodded and left the store after waving at me.  After he left, I smiled to myself.

"What a weirdo," I said aloud, laughing to myself. However deep inside, I was really happy that I had somehow managed to land a date with this handsome guy who had wandered into my store randomly.

I smiled to myself and continued smiling on the dinner date with Lucas that night which was incredible. 


a/n: pls forgive me if there are any spelling/grammatical errors. i'm so tired, but i still wanna put out an imagine tonight, so enjoy the imagine and thank you for voting and being so kind!!

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