"There you losers are!" We heard a very familiar voice behind us say. We all looked at each other scared. I turned around and we saw...


"That's right! I'm back! And I see that freak Phoenix isn't with you anymore. Well, good for them to leave you losers alone with me!" Cora shouted at us. "Why are you here?! Why do you keep doing this?!" Ayden asked her. "First of all, I've been expelled from my old school, and my parents sent me here. Second of all, Phoenix stole the love of my life from me." She told us. "What?! What the hell are you talking about?! Phoenix would never do that to someone! You're a horrible person for hurting them! And Us!" I yelled at her. She came up to me and punched me in the eye, and I fell down. I felt kind of dizzy, and she looked like she was about to kick me...

Kristy POV:

I ran up and stood between Cora and Josh, so that she couldn't hurt him. "Leave him alone, Cora." I said looking her dead in the eyes. "Or else what?" She said back. I saw Narrator behind her about to grab her. I nodded at Narrator, and he wrapped his arms around Cora and she screamed out "LET ME GO YOU FREAK!".

Eddie POV:

We got back to Phoenix's old house. We noticed Narrator was holding onto someone. "Is that?" I asked the others. Then we got a clear shot of the girl he was holding onto. "CORA!" We all shouted. We got out of the car and went to the others. "Cora! Why can't you just leave us alone!?" Phoenix shouted. "BECAUSE YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" Cora yelled out, and it seemed like she was tearing up. "And seeing your friends all of the time kept reminding me of you!" She added. "Wait, how did I ruin your life? Did it have something to do with me tutoring your boyfriend?" Phoenix asked. "Yes! He would just say that just so he could cheat on me with you!" Cora shouted. "Cora. He never wanted to date me. He was just a friend." Phoenix said.

"LIAR! HE JUST WANTED AN EXCUSE TO BE WITH YOU! HE ALWAYS LIKED PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" Cora shouted back. "Wait, is that why you kept going after my friends and I? Because you thought your boyfriend was cheating on you with me? And my friends reminded you of me?" Phoenix asked. Cora started crying. "YES! I LOVED HIM! AND YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME! HE WAS ALL I HAD!" Cora cried. "Wait, what do you mean he was all you had?" "I never had any real friends, and my parents are alcoholics, and they always beat me all the time!" Cora cried even more. "And-And he was the only one that would ever make me happy." She said. "Cora. I never wanted to ruin your relationship with your boyfriend. He just asked for my help with drawing and math. That was it. He never flirted with me or asked me out. In fact, he would always ask me relationship and dating advice for you, because he loved you so much." Phoenix said. "Wait? What? *sniff* Really?" Cora asked. "Yes. We were only friends. I would never do that to someone, Cora. And I'm so sorry that your parents did that to you." Cora said.

Phoenix came up to Narrator and Cora. "Narrator, could you let go of her please?" Narrator let Cora go. Phoenix  wrapped their arms around Cora, and Cora hugged Phoenix. "I'M SO SORRY PHOENIX! I DIDN'T KNOW! I JUST THOUGHT YOU TUTORED HIM JUST SO YOU COULD TAKE HIM FROM ME! AND I'M SO SORRY FOR HURTING YOUR FRIENDS! I GUESS I WAS SCARED OF LOSING HIM AND I TOOK MY ANGER OUT ON YOU GUYS! I KNOW YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT, BUT I'M SO... SO SORRY!" Cora cried out.

We heard sirens in the distance, and  the police and Phoenix's parents showed up. "Phoenix! Sweetie!" Phoenix's mom shouted as she got out of the car.

Phoenix POV:

My parents and the police showed up. I went up to my parents. "Mom. Dad. Cora's not a problem anymore. I mean it." I said. "Phoenix! We were so worried about you! Why would you leave us like that?!" My dad asked me. "Because I love this place! And I love everyone here!" I said pointing over to my friends. "And They're the only ones that ever made me genuinely happy! I was always left alone back in California! I never really had any friends, and you were always at work all of the time! And I didn't want to go back!" I yelled while crying. "I can't go back. I can't leave them." I said while crying even more. "Phoenix, I'm so sorry honey." Mom said. "I didn't know you felt that way back in California." Dad said. "Can we please... Stay here... In Florida? It would make me really happy. And you want me to be happy, right?" I asked. Mom and Dad looked at each other and nodded. "Ok, Phoenix, If it would make you happy. We can stay in Florida." Dad said. "Although we gotta get our house back." Mom said. I hugged them both. "THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM AND DAD! I LOVE YOU!" I said. "We love you too pumpkin!" My parents said.

Eddie POV:

Phoenix was hugging their parents. And Cora asked to talk to us. "Guys, can I please talk to you?" Cora asked us. We all gathered around. "Um... Phoenix included?" Phoenix let go of their parents and came over. "I know you probably don't want to hear it. But I am So... So sorry for hurting you guys. And I know I can't undo the damage I've done, but I just hope you guys can forgive me. And I promise I won't ever hurt you or anyone ever again." Cora said. We all looked at each other and nodded. "We forgive you." We all said. "*sniff* Thank you. Thank you guys so much." Cora said.

"Hey, aren't you that kid that we got a report on?" One of the officers asked. Cora looked up at him. "Yes... Yes I am." She said. "Well, at least you're being honest, now please come with us." She came with the officer to his car. "Wait, can I speak with Phoenix first?" The officer nodded and Phoenix went over to Cora. "What is it?" Phoenix asked. "I'm sorry that I took everything from you, and for being the reason why you had to leave California." Cora said, and Phoenix looked at us. "Actually, moving here was the best thing that ever happened to me." Phoenix said. "Well, I'm glad you're happy." Cora said with a smile. "Although I wish I could fix my relationship with my Ex, he broke up with me shortly after you left, I can't blame him though." She said. "I'm sorry." Phoenix said. "Don't be, I'm the one that should be doing the apologizing here." Cora said. She went into the police car and she was taken away. She was going to a mental hospital for a while.

"Hey Eddie." Narrator said as he walked towards me. "Oh, hey Narrator." I said. "Well, I'm glad we're all back together now. And you were able to bring Phoenix back." He said with an adorable smile. "You never gave up on them. I admire that." He said. "Oh yeah, you never give up on the people you love." I said, and he looked kind of sad. "You... You love them?" He asked me. "Well, as a best friend of course, but not in a romantic kind of way. Besides, I've been having a crush on this guy for quite a while now, I know I should get over him, but I just can't. I just won't give up on him." I said. "Wait, really, how come?" He asked still sounding kind of sad. I took his hands in mine. "Cause like I said, you never give up on the people you love." I told him and I kissed him, and he kissed me back. "Is this what you meant when you said you had a crush on someone?" Narrator asked.  I nodded and kissed him again.

Josh POV:

Cora had been taken away to a mental hospital. And Kristy knelt down next to me. "Are you ok Josh? Your eye looks pretty bruised." She asked me. "Yeah, it kind of hurts, but I'm ok." I told her. "And thanks for defending me earlier." "Oh, you're welcome Joshy. I mean, after all you've done for me, it was the least I could do." She told me with an adorable smile. She sat down closer to me. She then wrapped her arms around me, and I wrapped mine around her. "Thank you for everything you've done for me." Kristy said and she kissed me. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I told her and we kissed again.

"I knew you guys would get together soon enough." Mully said next to us. Kristy and I looked at each other. "Yeah, I guess we would." I said. Kristy kissed me one more time. "Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked me. "Of course!" I told her and we kissed one more time.

We got up off of the ground and Phoenix yelled for us. "So, who wants to have a pool party?!" "Heck yeah!" Reekid yelled. "Sure!" Tanner said. "Yeah! Let's go!" Gabby yelled. We all went home real quick to get our swimsuits.

Phoenix POV:

Mom and dad just got our house back. I went in and went up to my room. "Good to be home." I said to myself. "Well, I better get ready for the pool party." I said as I set my backpack down and got ready.

And that my Cinnamon rolls is Chapter 12 of Where I Belong. Ok, I'm pretty sure this the end of the main story, but of course, I got a few more chapters after this. Also, I wasn't 100% sure what to do with Cora, but then I decided to have her apologize for her wrong doings and become good, cause, hey, good plot twist? Am I right? Also, let's be honest, not all bullies are bad forever, am I right? Anywho, I hope you liked this Chapter and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

Where I Belong (The Boys X OC/Reader) (Kind Of Eddie + Juicy + Reader)Where stories live. Discover now