Chapter 006

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Haruto suggested a movie marathon. It's been a long time since I did it.

BTW where is Haruto? Didn't he join you Yoshi?

He said that he got detention because of a dumbass. So he told me to go before. I insisted on waiting but he didn't let me.

Who is the guy that got him in detention?

It's his enemy. Haruto is a smart kid, due the jealousy of that dumbass he got in trouble.


You guys turned around to see Haruto running to catch up with you. As he got near , he ran straight to you giving you a tight hug. You chuckled and hugged him back. You also got close to him and another guy named Mashiho. He is also a Japanese guy. He is the same age as Asahi. Haruto started to treat you like a elder sister. You too started to treat him like a little brother. He released you from the hug and stood straight.

How did you got out from detention Haruto?

The teacher asked me to go home since he has a meeting. He actually knew what had happened so he left me.

If I ever get him in my hands I'm gonna break his bones.

If you stretch your hands the bones in your body will break. Yet you are saying that you are going to break his bones.

Can you atleast be nice to me for once Y/n? You are always like this to me.

Aish! Stop being a drama queen Asahi. What she said is true. Why are you protesting against it?

What??!! Is that for real?

Yes noona! Once he wanted to hit Mashiho Hyung for taking his snacks but he hit himself. That was the most funniest moment.

Jaehyuk even took a video of it and posted it on our group chat. He was pouting for it seems like 2 weeks.

I'm sad that we are going to part ways noona. (Pouts) 

Aww. Don't worry we are gonna meet each other tomorrow or day after tomorrow. We live around the same area tho.

Which way is your home Y/n?

If you go straight from here the 4th house is mine. Where is your place located tho?

If you go down the opposite road til the end, our place is located there.

Bye guys! I need to get ready cause Irene unnie will be picking me up at 5:00pm sharp.

Bye Y/n! Have fun.

You all parted ways and you went inside of your house. As you went inside you got a call from your grandma.

Grandma: How are you child?
Y/n: I'm good. What about you grandma ?
Grandma: are you ready for the sleepover with your friends?
Y/n: I'm about to get ready.
Grandma: Okay then I'll call you back later take care.
Y/n: You too take care grandma! Bye!

You both ended the call. Your grandma called you the night after you and your brother had a walk. On your first day of university. You told her about all of the things happened there and went to sleep late at night. You took out all the things you needed and put it in a backpack bigger than the one you use to take to your university. You also took your gadgets and your sketch book. You put them in a separate bag and kept it in the couch. That's when you remembered that you need to hide the photo frame of you and your brother. You quickly took it and put it in your closet somewhere hidden. As you finished you work in your room your door bell rang. You closed the closet and went to the door to open it. It was Irene.

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