Chapter 12: Apple

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I scoured the shelves of the mini library in the Blight Manor, in search of something that granted me the information that I needed. I scanned spine after spine of every book I came across, but most of them were of no use to me. Why did we have so many Abomination books? Why are we lacking of beast keeping ones!?

I could still remember the way that bird's eyes shone red. I thought it would attack us or something, but the red color just subsided after a few seconds. I don't think I'll be able to get that out of my head until I find an explanation for it. Maybe it was just a unique trait that that kind of bird had, but I was afraid. I can't be too sure. I needed to confirm that it wasn't what I thought it was.

It felt incredibly like someone was spying on us.

I didn't know why. More importantly, I didn't know who. But if anyone ever told my parents what they saw up there in the Knee, I'd be dead. I would lose her, just like I'd lost Willow before. I couldn't afford that to happen. I wasn't willing to let it happen.

But my circumstances didn't care whether I wanted it to happen or not. Things just keep occuring out of my control, and it frustrated me to no end.

Still, I persevere, disregarding my emotions, and piling books on the table that I thought might give me what I needed. After nearly an hour of surfing through countless pages and words and images, I still couldn't find anything. I almost resorted to just thwacking my head with the books until the answer came to me. So Titan help me — why does life have to be so stressful?

Defeated, I closed my eyes, placed my forehead on the table. Gah, I wouldn't have to worry about this if my parents were any better. It's always my parents. I grunt. My parents, my parents, my parents!

I've been stressing about this ever since I got home after training. That bird. Was it just there, waiting for us when we trained? It stood out from all the other birds; why didn't I suspect anything sooner? And I hadn't told Luz about any of this. I couldn't bring myself to, at the time. She had a lot on her mind and I didn't wanna add on more things to worry about.

Her smiling face suddenly flashed in my mind.


Maybe... Maybe Luz is what I need to calm me down.

I sat upright and stared at the scroll on the table. I grabbed it, instinctively unlocked it, and the first thing I saw caused a smile to overtake my lips. It was her text messages.

Hey Amity!!
Don't mind me haha I'm just testing the scroll out

I've reread the messages a couple times now. I don't know. It made me happy, inexplicably. She was just texting me random things and somehow that was enough to put a smile on my face. It's strange, honestly.

She sent this about an hour ago, but I decided maybe it's not too late to reply. I leaned back on my chair and let my thumbs tap quickly onto the screen, forming a message.

How are you liking the scroll so far?

It doesn't take her more than a minute to respond.

It's great!!
It's like my human phone, but more magical o~o

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