Chapter 6: I Ship It

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I've never liked parties.

The loud setting, the chaotic atmosphere - I just don't really think that's for me. My friends have thrown those countless times, all of which I had to attend, and not once have I found the appeal. Granted, I spent most of those with people I wasn't really comfortable spending time with, but I doubt my opinion would change under different circumstances.

So when I got a text message from Cat inviting me to one of their house parties, I had the strongest urge to decline her offer.

Hey Amity! Amelia found some hidden Apple blood in her parents' cellar ;-) down for some partying? - Cat

"Well, are you going to join?"

I tried to hide a scowl from my dad, who had just grabbed Apple juice himself from the kitchen. My friends must have asked permission from him for me, which didn't really serve me well at this moment. I stood still, a few feet away from where he was. I was expected to say yes. To say no would evoke suspicion, and that was the last thing I wanted.

"I personally wouldn't mind. Forming a strong bond among your witch peers is never a bad thing," he continued, a red ooze of liquid slowly filling his wine glass. "Just don't stay out too late. And don't make a fool out of yourself. Remember whose name you're bringing, Amity Blight."

And so that's how I ended up sulking in the family car on my way to Amelia's house. An abyss formed at the bottom of my stomach the entire time. Why did he have to hold so much control over me? Remember whose name you're bringing. Why was I born a Blight? Why is my family name so important?

Only thinking about being in Amelia's house exhausted me. I can't even talk to them about things I really wanted to talk about, like... The good witch Azura, or drawing, or books? I don't know. They surely don't like those anyway. They only talk about Penstagram, or boys, or things that I don't really value that much.

I wish Luz was there. Maybe I'd be happier.

"Miss Amity, are you alright?"

My eyes averted to the rear view mirror, only to meet my driver's concerned ones. I try to force a smile and nod, but that doesn't seem to convince him. "Yeah. I'm fine."

He looks right back ahead on the road, steering the wheel. "Well, we're almost at your friend's house. Excitement awaits."

I give him a small smile of gratitude, and then I stare right out the window. I know he means well, but that doesn't really make me feel better. The view changes before me, passing through a line-up of buildings made of wood, stones, and bones, before it fades into a scenery of trees, meaning we were getting close to Amelia's. I lean back and sigh. Let's get this over with.

"Here we are."

The car comes to a halt, and so I open the door. "Thanks, Nate," I say before hopping off, which elicits a genuine smile from my driver. My parents better be paying him well. He seems nice enough.

When I got near enough to Amelia's house, I immediately notice the music blasting around the place. The ground was practically vibrating below me. Colored lights were seen through the window and I could smell the aroma of newly baked brownies, which I assume Cat did. She was known to like baking between the five of us.

Escape // LumityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora