Chapter 9: A day in the life

Start from the beginning

McGonagall laughed lightly and turned her owl back which flew to her desk before she followed. McGonagall went over the notes again and then told the class to practice the spell on their own time.

"How did you do that?" Reg asked looking at her as she sat down. "You didn't even take notes"
"You don't need the notes Reggie. Don't think about it to hard, just do." She said motioning towards his owl that was snuggled up against hers on the desk. He reached for his owl moving it closer to him, it nipped at his hand and cooed.

"1, 2, 3, Vera Verto." He said. But nothing happened. He looked over the notes again.
"Reg I told you not to worry about the notes just imagine the cup and try again." Eve said pushing his notes out of his hands. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose but listened. "1, 2, 3, Vera Verto." His owl transformed into a gorgeous black goblet.

"Very nice Mr. Black." McGonagall said, transforming the goblet back to his owl.

"Told you."

12pm Lunch
Everly didn't mention transfigurations class at lunch. The reason the whole Gryffindor table along with some other students knew about what happened was because Paisley wouldn't stop talking about it.

"I'm not kidding. She didn't take any notes, wasn't listening at all, and barely even looked at the board and she did it perfectly." She was telling the girls now, guys listening in as well.

"I can't believe you're not running around bragging about it yourself Eve." Mary said reaching for a sandwich.
"She's not that similar to her brother Mary." Lily said back giving Eve a smile. "And I appreciate it."
"Aww you appreciate me Evans?" James cooed.

"I appreciate that your cockyness hasn't been rubbed of on your sister Potter. Don't get it twisted."

1pm Astronomy
"I can't believe we are taking notes again in another class. I feel like all I've done today is take notes."
"Star charts are not notes."
"They might as well be."

2pm Herbology
"We are just repotting plants again."
"But these ones are different, at least they don't scream."
"So true. Hand me that dirt will you?"

3pm Potions
Regulus was waiting at the top of the stairs that led down to the dungeons where potions was.

Professor Slughorn greeted all the students as they came in and started class immediately writing down a bunch of potion ingredients they needed for today on the board. "Send one person from each pair to go get the ingredients and you guys can start."

Everly got up taking her notes with her and went to the potions cabinet. She took her time making sure she got the right amount of all the ingredients so she wouldn't mess up her and Reg's potion.

"Ahem. Some other people need ingredients too." A voice behind her said.
"If you would stop being such an impatient git, Mulciber, you'd have your chance to get them." Everly bit back over her shoulder.

"You want to start with me Potter." Eve turned around and walked towards him.
"No but I'd love to finish it." The two got in eachothers faces drawing a croud but it was quickly disbanded by Slughorn. "Something the matter?"

"Not at all professor." Mulciber said with a smile. Everly scoffed and walked away with her ingredients.

"What was that about." Regulus said when she got back to their table.
"Just Mulciber being his charming self."
"What did he say to you?"
"Nothing Reg its fine I can handle myself don't worry."
"Mon rouge, ple-" He stopped. "Eve did you just wince at that?" Her cheeks turned crimson.

"No I- um. It's just that-" She sighed. "Sirius told me what that meant this morning."
"Oh." His cheeks were now the same shade of crimson. "Do you want me to stop?"
"Stop calling you that? I can stop if you'd like."
"No!" She winced again. That sounded too eager. "No, I mean. It's fine. I don't really understand it but I like it."

"Gryffindor colors are red and gold. Mon rouge? Red? It makes sense to me." He said looking down.
"Right. Yeah, right." The 'my' part of the nickname didn't really make sense to her but she'd leave it alone for now. At least until both of their cheeks went back to a normal shade.

They finished their potion in record time, Slughorn was so proud he almost cheered. He let them out after testing their potion so they had 15 minutes to kill before their detention. Regulus didn't want to risk getting in trouble right before having detention so he practically dragged a very pouty Everly to McGonagalls classroom. They got there just as her last class got out.

"Ah. Perfectly on time, wonderful." She said greeting them at the door and beckoning them in with a wave. She pointed at separate desks at the front of her classroom for them to sit in. Each desk had three books, a piece of parchment and a quill.

"I have decided for your detention today that you will be writing a page on the importance of sleep. Since Ms. Potter was so very concerned for my sleep schedule I will greatly benefit from reading these papers." The two looked at eachother, Everly trying not to laugh and Regulus silently begging her not to.

Their detention was over an hour later after their papers had been turned in. Regulus had to pinch Everly in the back to stop her from saying something to McGonagall that would have resulted in another detention.

"I have never gotten a detention for something I've said Reggie. And that really hurt." Eve said rubbing her back as they walked to dinner.
"I barely pinched you."
"You probably left a mark."
"Stop being so dramatic. I don't hang out with you to be reminded of my brother."
"Awww. Thank you? I think?" Regulus just gave her a look.

6pm dinner
"You told him you would stop pranking? That doesn't sound like a Potter."
"I didn't tell him I would stop pranking, I told him I would stop including him in them because that's what he wanted. And besides I can find a pranking partner if I really need it."
"I doubt it."
"Don't doubt me Lily. Watch this."

"Remus!" Eve called to him over her brother and Sirius. "You'll be my pranking partner if I need help yeah?"
"Anything you need Evie." He said back. Causing Lily to scoff in disappointment and Sirius to fake fall onto James crying, "He's left us for your sister. Remus you traitor!"

"So bloody dramatic." 

Not forbidden, just hard | Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now