an extra special halloween treat

Start from the beginning

Harry was a little bit behind Gemma when they got into the store since she walked a little fast and Harry liked to take his time to look around. Harry's head perked up though when he heard Gemma start laughing. "What is it?" Harry asked curiously and walked over to where Gemma was standing.

"Look, it's a foam finger like the one Miley Cyrus had at the VMAS!" Gemma snickered and shook her head. "That's what you should be. Miley Cyrus at the VMAS." She nodded with a smirk.

"You're joking." Harry mumbled with a small, little nervous laugh since this would be so incredibly embarrassing. Not that Harry minded the attention, but he was a little nervous, he had no idea if he would be able to pull something so risky like that off.

"C'mon Harry, it'd be a great costume. It'd be so funny and memorable and I bet Louis would love it." Gemma murmured innocently. She knew Harry very well, and she knew if she mentioned Louis liking it, Harry would do it.

"Just as a joke." Harry clarified. He felt like he had to clear up that that was the only reason he was wearing it, even though she really didn't ask. Was he really going to do this? Harry examined the foam finger for a moment before he grabbed it and stuffed it under his arm with a sigh.

"I know just the place to get the rest of your costume!" Gemma squealed happily and pulled Harry off to pay for the foam finger.

As much as Harry groaned and sighed, he was secretly excited. He knew his costume would be funny, and it would make everyone stare. Harry couldn't even try to deny that he loved the attention. He knew the shock value would be major, which is why he refused to tell anybody who wasn't Gemma about his costume. Nobody really liked this though, and Louis especially, wasn't too happy about not knowing.

"That's not fair; you know what I'm being." Louis frowned. "And I have to go with /her/." Louis sighed dramatically as he glared at an oblivious Eleanor.

"Sucks to suck." Harry chuckled and kissed Louis' frown before he could protest any more. "You'll get to see it when I get to the party just like everybody else." Harry giggled when he pulled back from the kiss.

"That's not very nice of you." Louis mumbled lowly in Harry's ear as his hands instantly reached out to pull Harry back on his lap, but Harry stood up before he could. It wasn't in his nature to go against what Louis said, but he knew that would make Louis even more irritated, and it would even rile him up a little. Harry figured if Louis' reaction to his costume was even better because of Harrys teasing before the party, well then so be it.

"Only two days baby, I think you can manage." Harry smiled innocently before skipping off to get ready for their show. Teasing Louis about his costume made the buildup to the party even more exciting. How Louis reacted to the hints Harry was giving him made Harry giddy. He could hardly wait for Louis' reaction to his actual costume.


The two days did go by rather quickly, well for Harry anyways. Before he knew it, he was standing in the hotel room mirror, examining himself in the mirror. Gemma insisted on styling Harry's hair in short pigtails since it "made" the costume. Although Harry thought it made him look dumb and childish, he didn't argue. Harry refused to wear a bra like Gemma had originally suggested, so he was completely shirtless. The only thing that was on his bare chest besides obviously his tattoos was the black cross tape he had chosen to cover his nipples. Harry had spent a good amount of the time he had getting ready just playing with his nipples, making sure to get them nice and hard before he finally put the tape over them. Next Harry put on the pants, the women's pair of organ spandex shorts that Gemma had picked out for him. The shorts left almost nothing to the imagination; from even looking at the front briefly you could practically see the outline of his cock. The shorts also made Harry's thighs and ass look amazing since they hugged his skin so tightly. Harry felt dumb wearing a costume like this, but since it was just a joke he decided to go all out. Pursuing his thick lips together, Harry leaned forward so he could get a better look at the mirror as he applied the red lipstick to his plump lips. After he was done, he took a look at himself in the mirror and watched his thick, now red lips form into a hesitant smile. His cheeks were now rosy since he was overall so embarrassed. He felt like a freak with his outrageous hair style, his tight revealing shorts, and just weird with nipple tape and lipstick.

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