After taking a deep breath she read the letter, she was hoping that she would get someone decent, her hopes crumpled. Her hands trembled and the letter slipped from her hand.
Wilhelmina moved forward and picked up the letter, a mere glance was enough to tell her of the names of two men that Hermione had to choose from. Her heart skipped a beat when she read one of the name, the memories that she had buried deep; threatened to come back. She quickly pushed them back in the darkest part of her mind and simply pulled her twin into a hug.

Hermione finally composed herself and looked at everybody. They were waiting to know, "Lucius Malfoy and Cormac Mclaggen" she muttered. Gasps of horror filled the room.
Ron growled, "No absolutely not, you are not marrying either of those scumbags" He yelled.
"Like I have a choice Ron." Hermione huffed angrily.
"Enough, both of you. Ronald, she didn't ask for this. Let Wilhelmina open hers." Molly's voice boomed.

A feeling of dread filled settled in the pit of Wilhelmina's stomach. She maintained her posture and opened the letter, gracefully. After she had finished the read, she folded it and stuffed it in her jacket's pocket.
"Sirius and Marcus Flint" She revealed, her voice stern and emotionless. Sirius froze when he heard that he was an option selected by Goblet of Fire for Wilhelmina, he was also worried about Hermione whose options were not great either. Everyone looked at both of them, making it extremely uncomfortable for them. He slowly slipped out from the room.
Harry look stunned, he quickly grabbed Wilhelmina's hand and stared rubbing his thumb in a circular motion on the back of her hand.

Molly decided that everyone should retire to their rooms and give the girls some space. Ron and Harry looked like they wanted to argue but one look from mama bear, and they ran to their rooms.

It was midnight. Hermione was laying in her bed, staring at the ceiling; wide awake. She heard a knock on the door, she wondered who it might be, she opened the door. Wilhelmina stood there in her mint pajamas, with pink donuts print all over. Her hair were wild, she looked exactly like she did when she 7 and would come to her older twin's room when she couldn't sleep. Hermione smiled softly and pulled her on the bed. Both sat with their backs against the headboard.

Wilhelmina's head rested on Hermione's shoulder and Hermione's head was on Wilhelmina's head. They held hands and sat quietly.
"Mione, what will you do ?" whispered Wilhelmina.
"I don't know Wil" Hermione whispered back, sighing.
"What about you ?" Asked Hermione.
" I have no idea, I haven't heard of Marcus Flint since the battle, all I remember is that he was a jerk, a troll, and a death eater who bullied people." She spoke in a tired voice,
"What about Sirius ?" Hermione pressed.
"He is my best friend's godfather, he is way older than me. His childhood was traumatic. He lost his soul brother, was accused of killing his own best friend. All his youth was spent in Azkaban, he was locked up for 12 years Mione, for a crime he didn't commit. When he got out, he had to go into hiding, then when he finally came clear, there was a war to fight and a godson to take care of. Now finally when it's all over, when finally he gets to live his own life, I can't choose him and trap him under this law. I will not drag him down. No Sirius Black is not a choice for me." She finished, her voice cracking silently.

Hermione was astonished by her twin. She rubbed her back, trying to comfort her sister.
"I think I will have to choose, Cormac Mclaggen." Hermione declared.
Wilhelmina's head turned so fast that she was surprised that she didn't get a whiplash. Her eyes wide, a frantic look evident in them.

"NO!!" she yelled. She quickly moved from her position and was now facing Hermione.
"No Hermione, you absolutely cannot choose Mclaggen, I can't let it happen. I swear to god that no matter what I will not let you choose him" Wilhelmina spoke loudly.
Hermione was startled at her twin's behavior.

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