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C I E N N A 

After working for a few hours more Liam and me leave. As usual we were joking around and walking back to the apartment. We split ways once we reached our street he was going to his flat to get ready and after that he would come over to our apartment.  

Once I got to our apartment Louis hugged me. I am guessing my mom called Louis and told him...

I told Louis that I was fine he didnt seem to believe it but he let it go. In the next half hour we all changed into comfortable clothes. Louis wore his black cotton Adidas track pants and a plain grey t-shirt I wore sweat pants and one of Liam's shirts that he left behind. 

When Liam came here the first thing he said was "That is my shirt" 

I stick my tongue out at him and say "Well now I claim it my property" I mean his shirt is like 3 sizes bigger for me and it is super old so it makes it really soft and comfortable so there is no way in hell am I giving it back to anyone. 

Liam rolls his eyes and starts to say "But-" and Louis cuts him off "Okay both of you shut it and let us eat"

I shrug and get up from the couch and get our McDonalds meals. We sit back on the couch. Liam and myself are on the couch while Louis takes the bean bag. 

"Okay important matters need to be discussed" Louis says.

Liam and I look at as if to tell him to go on talking. 

"I got an Audition!" He tells us.

 "Oh god Louis this is great!" I tell him. Louis occasionally gets auditions for plays that are around town. He does musicals mainly though.

"What are you auditioning for?" Liam ask him. 

"West Side Story" He says with a little grin. 

"This is great mate" Liam says Louis just continues to grin. 

"When's the audition?" I ask him.

"Friday" He says with his mouth full of fries. 

"That doesnt give you much time to rehearse" I point out since Friday comes in 3 days. 

"Oh that doesnt matter I already know all the lines" Louis says waving of the issue like it was nothing. 

"Oh Liam I forgot to tell you Emily asked me about you" I say. 

Liam starts to choke on his drink and Louis looks at me with curiosity. 

"Who is Emily?"  Louis asks and simultaneously Liam asks me "What did she say?" 

"Emily is the girl that out Liam here has been crushing on for the past 5 months" I say to Louis. 

"How on earth have I not heard of her before?" Louis asks me sitting up I shrug in response. 

"Plus I bet she is into girls" Louis says making all of us laugh and Liam looks at us in fake anger. The story behind this is that few years ago Liam had this thing for this girl in our uni it took him 6 months to take up the courage to ask her out but when he did she said she was sorry and that she wasn't into guys. That day all of laughed like there was no tomorrow and he was a little upset but he got over it once we bought him the double scoop of ice cream from his favorite place. 

"Okay will the two of you shut up and tell me what did she say?" Liam asks me. 

"She thinks you are mad at her cause you being the chicken you are cant even talk to her" I say "And she is definitely interested in you. So man up and ask her out!" I say.  

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