Chapter 21

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Emma's pov

"Owen do you mind if you, Emma, Ari and Charlie share a room?". "I don't mind.". We all get in bed and watch TV.

After a while Ari falls asleep on Owen's shoulder. I've always thought their siblingship was cute. I wish me and my brother was like that.

I was on Owen's other shoulder and Charlie was on mine. Soon I heard soft snores coming from Charlie. Owen looks over and laughs gently. We watch a few more episodes before I start to fall asleep.

"Emma. Em. Emmy. Wake up.". "Im up whats wrong Owen?". "Its 2 am.". "So?". "Lets go out the window.". "Um we're on the second floor.".

"Yah but there's a roof we can sit on.". "Okay.". We sneak out onto the roof and see fairy lights down below. "I thought you don't like heights.". "Ehhh the roofs not that bad.".

"Well I'm still scared of falling.". "I won't let you.". I feel his hand in mine. We sit close to the house cause I don't want to go to the edge.

I lean into Owen and close my eyes, allowing myself to feel at peace with the wind hitting my face.

"I still feel like I'm gonna fall." I mumble. "Scoot up.". "What?! I don't want to fall." I shriek. "Shhh." He laughs.

He scoots me forward and I try to grip onto the roof. He moves behind me and has a tight grip on me. "I told you I won't let you fall." He whispered into my neck.

I allow myself to shiver at his breath traveling down my body. I feel him smirking. He kissed my neck. My breath hitched, as I forgot how to breathe for a second.

He started kissing up and down my neck until he found my sweet spot and attacked it. I try to hold back a moan since the window is right beside us.

"O-owen.". "Yes hun?". "I-um i- you-". "Just tell me to stop and I will. I don't want to overstep.". I let out a content sigh not really wanting this to stop.

He moved from behind my hear and peppered my face until he paused at my lips. "May I?" He whispered. I nod,  not being able to form words.

I feel a pair of soft lips meet mine. I melt into his touch. At first it was soft and passionate. Then it turned rough and needy. I lightly push him back. "As much as I love that, I don't want to fall.".

"Follow me.". We get up and climb through the window. I swear I see Ari and Charlie smirking in their sleep. We sneak through the house and out the back door.

We sit by the pool. I look up to the roof we were just on. "Emmy?" Owen says softly. "Yah?". "Will you be my girlfriend?". "Of course I will." I say gently grabbing his chin, and bringing his lips to mine.

"We should get to bed before Charlie and Ari wakes up.". He nods and we head back into the house.

In the morning

I wake up in the morning and change into the outfit Ari picked out,which was thankfully, not revealing. It was some blue jeans with a plain white Calvin Klein shirt. I throw my hair up in a neat bun and head downstairs.

"Good morning Emma." Dinah says cooking pancakes for everyone who actually stayed. It was owens parents, siblings, 3 cousins, Ari, Charlie, Owen and I.

I hear the front door close and in comes Josh, my older brother. He was one of the reasons I moved. To get away from him. My eyes grow wide and everyone, except Owen, thinks its cause I'm happy to see him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask dumbfounded. "I came to visit my little sister!". He had his arms open for a hug. Charlie nudged me "Go hug him." he whispered.

"W-why can't you just leave?" I yell growing angry. I feel Owen put a hand on my knee in attempts to calm me. "Ugh thats kinda rude Emma, don't you think?".

"Yah. Well so I'd ruining my childhood.". "Oh my gosh. Mom still has you brainwashed?". I look around to see concerned faces and that when I realize everyone is still here.

"Its not brainwashing Joshua. You shook the bed like you were possessed. You got drunk and violent EVERY single night. And apparently I'm brainwashed? You're the reason I can't go into a bar without breaking down, or why I don't drink. This is why I don't deal with anyone drunk AND why I can't go out with my friends." I yell.

I get up and run upstairs to Owen's room, not before I here him say 'you need to leave.'


This chapter is so weird 😂

Xoxo me 💜

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