Chapter 14

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~Owen's pov~

Ari and I sit by the campfire that is unlit since its daytime now. We're the only ones awake.

"Hey you know a few months ago, when you had that breakdown, how's your brother doing?" I say just now remembering.

How could I let that slip my mind? What if something could've happened to her or her brother? I wonder if Emma's awake yet.

"Oh it doesn't matter now Owen. Plus I don't want to burden you. You have to help Em with her problems." She says sweetly.

"Yes it does. You're feelings will always matter to me. I'm sorry if I've been distracted lately. I really didn't mean to forget about you.".

"I know it wasn't intentional O. But I'm fine now. I promise. Aiden helped me.".

(Yes I mean Aiden Gallagher. Wait....did I spell his name right)

"Well can i still know?". "Yah. Its just a few months ago I had to much pressure, insecurities, stress, it was just all building up.  And then my brother.....I didn't mean for it to come out that night.".

"Oh I'm sorry R. You can come to me anytime. And for now on you have my undivided attention.".

"Yah just as long as Em is not around." She smirks. "W-what is that supposed to mean?". "Owen why have you been so distracted lately?".

"Uhh I haven't.". "You just said you have.". "N-no I didn't.". "Okay then why, in the last 8 months, have you been smiling more? AND don't think it goes unnoticed when yall almost kiss every movie night we have.".

"I-i don't know what you're talking about." "Oh really cau-". I see Emma and Charlie coming out the cars. Saved by the....people?

"GOOD MORNING!" I yell cutting Ari off. "My point exactly.". "Morning O.". "Hi Owey.". "Lets go on a hike today." Tori says joining us.

"Yess!" Ari agrees. We all eat snacks that we bought yesterday for breakfast. We start hiking and I see Tori trip Emma.

"Oww." Emma says falling, scraping her knee. "Im sorry!" Tori says. Charlie, Tori, and Ari smirk at Emmy and I.

"Owen....I think I left the first aid kit in your car. Can you clean her bloody knee?" Ari asks smugly.

"Sure." I say through gritted teeth. The others walk off. "Come on let's go to the car.". She gets up and tries to walk, but when she puts pressure on her right leg she lets out a yelp.

Stupid Tori, Ari, and Charlie. I know they planned this. My phone dings and I check who it is. I'm surprised I have a signal.

GC (Tori, Charlie, Ari)

Is Em okay?

Tori Vega:
I didn't mean to
actually hurt her.

Char char:
The plan was for you to catch
her but it didn't go so well

Well you bozos, she
hurt her knee and
sprained her ankle.
I hope you feel proud 🙄

I can tell they actually feel bad. "Is your ankle sprained?". "I think so...or fractured." she says tearing up. "Can you walk?". "Ya I'll be fine.".

She tries limping and hopping on one foot. "Here hop on.". She hops onto my back. I feel her put her head on my shoulder.

"You okay?". "Ya my foot just hurts a little.". We get into the car and I pull the first aid kit out of the dashboard.

I get some of the alcohol and put it on a cotton swab and gently dab it on her knee. She winces in pain. "Sorry." I whisper.

"Its fine thanks Owey.". "No problem Emmy.". I lean up from her knee to be met with her face millimeters away from mine.

"Hi." I say not thinking. "Hey." she says breathlessly. Why is she out if breath? I'm the one looking at her. She takes my breath away.

"Umm...maybe we should wrap your ankle." I stutter. "O-okay.". She snaps out if whatever trance we were just in and backs her face away. I mirror her actions.

"Actually my ankles fine. I just did that to make them feel bad.". I laugh until it hits me.

"Wait didn't need a piggy back ride.". I see a slight blush on her face. "U-uh.". "You can have a piggy back ride anytime you want." I wink at her.

She turns her head away in a blush. "You look cute when you blush.". "Stop." She mumbles. I pull her chin to look at me. "Make me.".


Omg when a guy i like says Come here or Make me...its hot. Like its protective, soft, cute, and demanding (in a good way) at the same time.

Also what do you think Owen and Emma will do to get back at the others?

Xoxo me 😎

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