Chapter 11

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~Emma's pov~

I wake up to obnoxious knocking on my door. "What?" I groan as I answer the door. "Happy friends-versary!" Owen and Ari scream.

"What?". "Its been 8 months since you came back." Owen says. "Yay?". "Yay indeed. Movie night. Scratch that, sleepover here tonight....if thats okay with you?". I nod.

"Im going to go get pizza. I'll be back." Ari says leaving. Over the last 8 months I've gotten a lot closer to Ari and Owen. Its like I didn't even leave.

Owen and I are so close its a little scary. There have been a few moments where I can't help but think about him and only him, but thats it because I haven't seen him in 9 years.

He gives me a hug from behind. "Hey." he mumbles. His breath traveld down my neck. "Hey O whats up?". "I asked for a hug but you wouldn't even turn around.".

"Oh sorry I zoned out." I laugh. He squeezes me tighter and closes his eyes as his head lays in my shoulder. "Whats wrong Owey?".

"Im tired.". "Its 12:30.". "So you slept in, I didn't.". "You can take a nap later." I reply running a hand through his hair.

He let's go and we sit on the couch to be met with silence. "How about now?". He furrows his eyebrows clearly confused.

"Lets take a nap right now." I say pulling his head down on my shoulder. He let's out a yawn but wraps an arm around me.

"You're too short. My neck hurts." He complains. "Ughh. Rude." I say sarcastically. I scoot over to the edge of the couch and pat my lap.

Owen puts his head in my lap while I run a hand through his hair. His eyes slowly close and light snores come out of his mouth.

He looks so cu-cool. Yahhh. Anyways.

I can't help but caress his cheek. His skin is so soft except for his light stubble. I push some hair out of his face.

Ari opens the door and is about to make her presence known when I shush her. "Shh". "Oh sorry. The babies sleeping?".

I nod and she sets the food down on the table. "Should we let him sleep?" Ari asks. "Ya we'll just watch TV for now.".

A few hours pass and I too slowly drift off to sleep. When I wake up Ari is asleep on the floor and my head is now on Owen's lap.

"Morning." Owen whispers. "It's probably the afternoon now." I say groggy. "Its 6:30". "How did I sleep for 6 hours?!" I ask shooting up.

He pulls me back down onto his lap. "Its fine. It's not like we were doing anything anyways.".

I nod, still exhausted. I have been working over time with Ari at the café. Ms. Simmons is in the hospital so we've been running the place.

"You still tired?". I nod. "Why don't you go back to sleep?". "I don't want you to be lonely.". "Its only fair. I fell asleep and left you.".

"Im good Owen.". I get up and walk into the bathroom with a pounding headache. I come back out and groan at a sharp pain running up my neck into my head.

"Whats wrong?". "My head hurts." I whine. "Maybe TV will help.". This all I seem to do, watch TV.

"You don't want to go out and do something?". "Not if you have a headache." He says putting a finger to my head.

The light pressure makes the pain go away. We watch TV for the a millionth time. I look at the clock to see its 830. Thats a good enough time to go to sleep.

I feel myself closing my eyes. Owen pulls me into his chest and I take a deep breath. I close my eyes and Owen massages my head.

As weird as it sounds, it helped. "Does your head still hurt?". I nod and he gets up and comes back with a painkiller.

I take it and feel even more tired. Like I might pass out in the next second. "Wh- what did you give me?" I ask trying to stay awake.

"Painkillers. That one makes you extremely drowsy.". I nod and feel Owen pull me back to him. The little bit of strength I had mustered up to keep my eyes open, vanishes when Owen starts rubbing me back and humming a melody.

I give into the clear exhaustion.


You look amazing! I don't know why I said that I just did, but its true. Please vote. I love yall.

Oooo also do you think its a big deal Ms. Simmons is in the hospital?

Also the only reason the girls are off is cuz there is 2 other workers

Xoxo me ☺

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