Bye Apartment 

Start from the beginning

"Me not do that, you can't run like that I'm old" she chuckles.

"You are not" I laugh.

"Am so"

"Are not" I protest.

"Don't fight me on this little one" she warns, I back off and let her win even though she is not old, I play with the ends of her hair as she holds me tight. I have sweat on my four head and my legs feel weak.

"By the looks of us you could swear we just had sex" I joke, cate lifts her head and rubs her thumb over my bottom lip.

"Oh no honey if we had sex, you'd be in worse shape than this" she says with a deep voice, definitely turning me on. Cate gets up and reaches her hand out for me to take. I sit up crisscross on the bed. "Come on" she says and tilts her head towards the door.

"But don't you want to stay here and have sex" I rub the bed beside me, cate huffs with a smile and grabs my non cut arm. She pulls me off the bed into her arms, I Yelp at the sudden movement. She picks me up bridal style "what no I want to have sex" I laugh looking back into the bedroom.

"We just did this morning you don't need more" she lifts her eyebrows knowing she's going to win.
She walks us to the kitchen and puts me down.

"Ahh fine" i huff but give her a cheeky grin, cate laughs and shakes her head.

"So what do you want to start with" cate asks looking around the apartment.

"Well I'm leaving my furniture here so we just need the small stuff" I pause and try to think of what we could do first "oh yeah we can take the dishes out of the cupboard" I say pointing to them. Cate nods and heads for the cupboards. She opens them and starts to take out the plates, I do the same. We have most of the dishes out when cate asks;

"What are we going to put these in?"

"I have a couple storage bins in my closet, could you go get them?"

"Okay I'll be right back."

Cate walks down the hallway and enters my room, I proceed to take out the dishes. I hear Cates foot steps near the kitchen, I don't look over at her, I keep taking out dishes. Cate clears her throat and I look over to her, when I see what she's holding my cheeks go red and my eyes go wide.
"And what do you use this for" cate asks cheekily.

I gulp "where did you get that?"

"You should be more careful where you hide your little pink vibrators" cate chuckles. My face is now hot and I'm full of embarrassment.

"Give that to me" I say and try to snatch it from her hand but she's too quick.

"I bet you thought of me when you used this" Cates voice is mocking.

"No" I lie shyly even though I did.

"I can hear you now, moaning my name" cate has the biggest smirk on her face, I go to snatch it again and this time I succeed. I quickly shove it in my purse (that I quickly threw on the counter when I entered.)

"That's none of your business" my face is red and I'm trying to sound annoyed but it fails when all I sound like is embarrassed, I turn away from her and stack the plates on top of each other. Cate caresses my lower back and kisses my temple.

"It's alright princess, it's cute" she chuckles.

"Yeah yeah" I say trying to hide my red cheeks. Cate hooks her finger under my chin, she tilts my head up.

"I'm sorry honey..but it is hot" she smirks and kisses my lips gently. I smile and she lets her hand fall to her side.

"I'll just go get the bins myself" I laugh and head for the bedroom. Cate nods and gets the dishes ready for packing.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now