Chicago Med

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"So putting Jay on desk duty?" Hank ask as they take off for Chicago Med.

"You favour him too much" Eris says while she texts. Hank makes a shocked noise.

"I favour him? Sorry forgot he's spent every night in my bed for last couple weeks" Hank mocks her "just admit you got too close for Eris Gabriel Voight"

"He let's his emotions get the better of him. Did you see his little outburst earlier?" Eris says.

"Not everyone is an Ice Queen, who's perfected their emotions" Hank once again mocks his daughter as they pull up to Chicago Med

"Oh you're on thin ice mister" She laughs jumping out of the truck. "We are from different worlds, he would never understand mine" she explains to her father why they will never be together. More like she is trying to convince herself.

"Ethan" her father calls after one of the doctors "this is SSA Eris Voight" he introduces his daughter. "Can we ask your medical opinion on something?"

"Sure what is it?" Ethan directs them into his office.

"We suspect our unsub is suffering from Cotard Syndrome" Ethan raises his brow "I know there's like 3 documented case but we wondering if you've or anyone else here, have had any patients coming in with the symptoms. Lack of hunger, stomach pains, Urm light sensitivity. We believe that Chicago is home base. We think he has the initials of C.K but he could be using any name. Sorry. He's about 6"4, he would of started at normal weight but overtime he's gotten skinnier. So I'm saying anyone in the last three years" Eris gets her notepad out.

"No one off the top of my head but what I'll ask around and give you a call" Ethan smiles as she hands over her card.

"Brilliant thank you so much" Eris smiles as they leave.

The pair ride back to central in absolute silence, Eris knows if she opens her mouth her father is just going to grill her about Jay. Everyone knows something is gone on there except from Eris, even Jay knows. No one will ever understand what she's been through, they can sympathise, even try to understand but until you've felt the pain. Until you've felt the uncontrollable anger that resides in your bones, until you've felt that helpless. You will never fully understand. Jay will never understand, and once he finds out what Eris truly went through. Well, he will never want to touch her again. Like many guys before him, they don't want damaged goods.

Eris try's to think hard about where she has seen this pattern before, what is so important about A woman,  a teen boy, a teen girl and a young boy. If you believe your time is ending on this earth why would abduct 4 random people. He keeps talking about his haven? Why would these four random people be his haven?

"What?" Eris ask, walking into the bullpen everyone stops and stares at them. "He's taken 2 more hasn't he?"

"No just any two" Jay says handing her a file.

"Detective Lenevek?" Eris asks reading it out "ok and the other?" Jay flips the page over "and her 13 year old daughter. FUCKING ASS HOLE" she screams at the top of lungs. "Right I'm done playing games with this man" she looks to Hank. "I want a stop and search on every navy 2014-16 Honda Accord. I want CCTV from every camera in a 10 block radius. Ruzek and Burgess I want you two to go through it all. Jay I want you to interview the family and find out everything. If anything deviates from their normal routine"

"On it" Jay rushes out.

"What about Charlie?" Kim asks, looking at Eris as she bites her nails staring at the board. She is missing something glaringly obvious.

"Leave him to fester for a bit. Guys I know she is one of us, work fast but work carefully. We don't need this guy getting off on a technicality" Eris turns to face everywhere before they leave "Atwater you're with me. We are going to the crime scene"

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