Chapter 6- And they were roomates!

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Natalie is on shift when she gets a call from her landlord
"Hello!" Natalie says as she answers the phone
"Hello Natalie is your landlord! Unfortunately I come baring bad news...your apartment has been evicted" The landlord says
"What! This can't be happening!" Natalie says as Kelly and Casey walk over
Natalie hangs up the phone and slams it on her desk
"You good?" Casey asks
"My apartment got evicted! I have no where to go!" Natalie says putting her hands over her face
"Stay with us!" Casey says
"Yeah! We've got a spear room!" Kelly says smiling
"Are you guys sure?" Natalie asks
"Positive! Move in after shift!" Kelly says enthusiastically
It's after shift and Natalie has packed up the last of her things and have moved into Matt and Kelly's spear room.
"Thank you guys!" Natalie says giving them a hug
"Well I guess it's the 3 Luitenents in the house now!" Casey says
"I know! God that's scary!" Kelly says laughing
"Speaking of scary! You were pretty scary today when you were speaking to gallo!" Casey says handing them both a beer
"Ugh tell me about it! He's not been speaking to me and then he just blows off on a call!" Natalie says sighing before sitting down
"He's probably just annoyed that I'm gone!" Casey says laughing
"Yeah I just wanna know what he has against me!" Natalie says as Kelly and Matt both look at each other
"What?" Natalie says confused
"Oh nothing!" Casey says getting up really quickly
"Uhh yeah!" Kelly says following him
"Luitenents am I right!" Natalie says to herself
It's a week later and Natalie is fully settled in her new apartment along with roommates Kelly and Casey. She is sitting on the couch and Kelly has just made him self some dinner
"None for me then?" Natalie asks smiling
"Nope! Kelly says sitting down to watch the game
"What do you think you are doing?" Natalie asks
"Watching the game?" Kelly replies
"Yeah got a problem Lewis?" Casey says
"As a matter of fact I do! Love island is on tonight!" Natalie says snatching the remote
Natalie switches the channel to love island and there half way through it
"So what happened to her?" Casey asks
"Well her boyfriend dumped her for her best friend and now her best friend is leaving the villa! So he gets a choice to go with her but he said no and now he wants to get back with the original girl!" Natalie says
"Oh my god!" Casey says shocked
"No he didn't!" Kelly replies
"Uh huh! Yeah he did!" Natalie says looking back at the tv
A while later love island finishes
"I can't believe Amelia forgave Derek! Like he left her for her best friend!" Kelly says shocked
"And don't get me started on Rose! Imagine dumping your boyfriend for some stupid dare!" Casey says
"You guys seemed to enjoy the show!" Natalie says smiling
"Same time next week?" Kelly says
"Sounds great!" Natalie says before disappearing into her room
Natalie is woken up in the middle of the night to a strange noise
"Huh? It sounds like a fire alarm?" Natalie says to herself
She walks out of her room and opens the front door to discover a fire spreading fast along the hall!

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