Chapter 1

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          I slowly blinked open my eyes as the sun's rays slowly came on my face. I went inside my bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a shower. After that I changed into shorts and a crop top. 

"Sweetheart, breakfast is ready. Come down, it's your first day of high school. Your brothers are waiting for you. Also your brothers are gonna scold you again if they see you wearing these clothes."

"But they aren't even exposing. It's so not fair," I argued back.

"Sorry dearie, I think it's better if you just change so then there won't be a big ruckus about it."


          That's my maid. Since my parents were never home except during Thanksgiving, Ms. Aspen was like a mother for me. I've known her since I was 3 years old. We live in a small mansion and have our own company. My oldest brother, Justin, helps my parents manage the company while managing the mafia business along with my other brothers. That's right, I know about the mafia business but my brothers won't let me partake in it since it's too dangerous.

          I went back into my room and skimmed through my closet. I then chose jeans and a gray top. I went to the dining table and started to eat.

"Malori. Are you excited for high school?"

"Of course Justin! I can't wait!"

"The twins will be taking you there and they will keep an eye on you. Remember the rules:

-Always listen to your brothers and respect them

-Don't talk back

-Focus on School and Swim

-No Boys

"Yeah yeah, I get it, You repeated this at least 20 times by now."

"Watch your attitude Malori," warned Ethan.

"Okay, anyways I'm done. Hayden, Alex can we go?"


          The drive took about 15 minutes and we got off. No one knew that I was a Lyon sibling yet. I got my schedule and turns out my first class is my least favorite class: Biology. I went into biology class and sat down in the back. Two minutes later, a girl comes and sits next to me.

          She had a strawberry dirty blonde hair color. Her eyes were hazel colored. She wore a cute sunset orange colored top with gray leggings. She looked like she was 5'4'', one inch taller than me. She had that kind of looking face that was always joyful. "Hey, I'm Kylie Hale and I hate biology. What about you?"

"My name is Malori. You can call me Mal though. I also despise biology."

           She started talking to me about her hobbies, so decided to tell her about my hobbies. We hit it off great. Her sister already went to this school so she knows a lot about this school and she also knew quite a few people including the teachers. Her favorite sport was basketball, which I enjoyed but was not my forte. We had quite a few things in common.

          After biology class we had English and History. When class was over, I made my way to the cafeteria and after the lunch lady gave me the food, I found a seat next to Kylie and some other girls. "So Malori this is Dia, Allison, and Jenny," Kylie introduced. 

          I said my hi's and they said theirs. We exchanged numbers and chatted for a while. After lunch, I headed towards my next class which was Mandarin. 

          I took a seat. Sadly, Kylie wasn't taking Mandarin. Instead she was taking Latin. In the middle of class I remembered something. I took out my phone and texted my brother Alex that I would finish school later because I wanted to try out for the swim team. 

           During passing period, heading towards math class, I bumped into a boy and fell over. The boy had black hair and beautiful blue eyes that could captivate anyone. He was wearing all black. He had a loose jacket on him. His hair was now messed up after our small collision. "Watch where you're going next time," yelled the boy. 

"Excuse me, I'm not the one with eyes glued to your cheap-ass phone. If anyone needs to watch where they're going, it's you," I retorted. Not wanting to waste another minute and get scolded for being late to class, I walked past the boy and went on.

??? POV

           I was on my phone texting my friend Hayden, whom was asking for me,  when a girl bumped into me. 

           She had brown wavy long hair and warm chocolate brown eyes. I was mesmerized for a moment before I came back to my senses. I yelled at her, and was waiting for her apology. Instead she yelled back at me and even walked past me like I was just an obstacle in her way. 

          No one had ever walked past me, let alone raised their voice at me. It wasn't something I was used to. Remembering someone was asking for me, I decided to let this slide. It wasn't like we were gonna see each other again in this huge school. 

Author's Note: Thank you for reading! If you have any suggestions or comments please leave them down below. Also please forgive me if I made any mistakes. Don't forget to vote by pressing the star. Feel free to follow me!

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