//Cliche right..?//

Start from the beginning

Then the door slammed open and the one and only ink marched into the room looking agitated as hell.

"Error!!! How dare you attack blue!" Anger laced his voice as his eye-lights flickered between red blurs and yellow exclamation points.

"Listen squid i didn't attack him, i only held him hostage-"

"Your the one being held hostage!" Of coarse, ink interrupting my every word.

"I know, i only held him hostage for-"

"For freedom?! Well sucks for you because your stuck here forever!" Ok, i doubt that, but seriously? Interrupting me again?

"For 404's sake, i held him hostage for the strawberries!" Inks face fell to a dull one, as his eyes both turned to purple question marks.

"For,,, strawberries?-"

"Yes, and i want more." This was the perfect plan! I cut him off since he has no stupid paintbrush, i used my strings to wrap him up since he had no soul and pulled him over to me.

"Wha- error! Unhand me now-" i wrapped strings around his mouth.

"You should learn to keep your mouth shut inky." I smirked, i held ink sideway on my lap, holding his head and legs as his back grew tense on my lap.
One eye-light was red but the other was,,,

Wtf is that shape?-

(Its a heart lol)

Oh ok thanks author.

(No problem)

So one was a red x and one was a light pink heart. Strange, i've never seen his eye-lights like that before.
I leaned closer to get a better look. Our faces were inches apart as i studied his eye-light. A rainbow flush of colors slowly smeared onto his face as his breathing quickened.
I backed away from his face and looked up when the door opened again.

"Error! Stop wrapping our members up!" It was blue, dream was right behind him.

"Than get me more strawberries." I blandly looked up at blue as i could feel ink relax from dream and blues presence.

"Dream, go get 2 treys of strawberries, or else ink may be in trouble." Dream wasted no time to go and get what i wanted. I knew ink would try yelling at me after this, but whatever. I can just ignore him like i do to the voices.

Speaking of the voices.
Where are they..?
<inks POV>
Errors face was so close to mine! I strangely felt a feeling of disappointment wash over me when he stopped paying attention to me.
Why was i disappointed? I don't know.
But anyways, error held me a bit tighter and closer to him which strangely again, make me blush. Huh, i don't remember drinking my pink paint this morning, maybe i just forgot. I seem to do that a lot.
<Errors POV>
Ink got warmer, strange. I pulled him away from me. My fear of touch kicking in a bit. It felt uncomfortable but his warmth calmed me. I leaned back on the padded wall. I sat ink next to me to the left, he sat there staring at me with question marks in his eyes.
When dream came back with my strawberry treys, i grabbed the treys with my strings and slowly lifted inks fat ass over towards them, while scarfing down strawberries i managed out,

"Ink,,,,*om* your,,,,*nom* fat." I could hear ink huffing as he stood there ready to put my magic resisting cuffs back on after im done eating, (which of coarse don't work on me, that's how dumb he is) and right as im done eating, i wipe my hands on my black shorts and lick the treys clean. Those strawberries are great! Not as great as chocolate though.

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