Chapter 76: Ochaco's Late Night Randevous

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*142 Hours Remain*

Ochaco listened to the darkness of the night, the only sounds audible were of the wind and snow outside, and the heavy breaths from Izuku's sleeping body. Ochaco rolled over to stare into the face of her freckled, green haired lover, who was peacefully sleeping away. Ochaco smiled, running her fingers lightly through the freshly cut hair of Izuku. She sighed quietly. She reached over for her flip phone, opening in and checking the time. 12:00 A.M.  If she left now she'd make good time, even if she was going through the storm. 

Ochaco, slowly climbed out of bed in nothing but undergarments, shivering at the slight cold of the air. She quietly tiptoed to the closet where she threw on multiple pairs of sweats, long sleeve shirts and a large coat. She grabbed a backpack from the closet and reached for one of two suitcases that were sitting on the floor. She silently clicked the case open and looked down. She hadn't seen that in awhile.

There it lay, neatly folded without a speck of dust or grim to be seen, its deep black and pale pink visible even in the dark, her helmet shining of the very dim moonlight that shown through the snowy clouds from outside window. Ochaco smiled as she shoved the hero costume into the backpack she had. While she did miss her costume, she hoped she didn't need to use it.

Ochaco made to stand, however the second case caught her eye. She crouched yet again, giving into her desire, and pulled the second case out slowly, opening it to reveal the bluish green and black hero costume. She smiled even bigger, staring at the costume. This as the costume of the everlasting hero, Deku. As much as she loved the hero Deku, and the person behind the name, hopefully at least right now, this costume wouldn't be needed either. Her eyes found their way to the metal face guard that Izuku usually had wrapped around his neck. Ochaco did a double take before grabbing it, leaving the rest of Izukus costume and putting it away. She shoved the metal mask inside the backpack with her own costume. If something did go wrong, at least she had a piece of Izuku with her.

Ochaco pulled the large coat hood over her head before quietly creaking her way out the room, she opened the door turning back for a split second to stare back at Izuku, still sleep peacefully in bed. 

"I love you... I'll be back as soon as possible." Ochaco whispered as she closed the door behind her. Ochaco looked around to spot a window on the second level that hadn't been covered by snow yet. She took a breath and started walking towards the window.

"Oi... You sure you should be leaving the nerd without saying anything?"

Ochaco turned on the spot to see Bakugo, arms folded leaning against the railing of the steps that lead to the second level. Ochaco blinked a few times. Bakugo usually was sleep by 8P.M...

"You kept checking your phone at dinner. You made sure not to let the nerd notice, yea but you didn't think I wouldn't? There's something going on isn't there?" Bakugo asked, his red eyes glowing in the darkness of the hallway. Ochaco stood silent, remembering Mina's text not to let Izuku or Bakugo know. 

"I don't care about all the details. But if there's a villain, then he'll be after the nerd right?" Bakugo said roughly. Ochaco's eyes widened, but nodded. 

"If that's the case then I don't need to go anywhere. I'll kill whatever villain gets here," Bakugo raised his hand and pointed to Ochaco. "And prove to you exactly why I will become the Number One Hero."

Bakugo turned and walked back to his room. Ochaco turned around yet again to exit the window, however this time a little fairy was in front of her. 

"Is something going on?" Hima in her fairy form asked. Ochaco looked down the railing to the first level where the couch was to see the real Hima looking up at her, Eri fast asleep on the couch. Ochaco smiled and looked back at the illusion.

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