Lucy POV:

I was asked by Elijah to accompany him to the Salvatore house, for what reason I dont know but if its going to be chaotic well count me in. We are sitting in their main room just staring at the elder Salvatore, he's looking at Elijah with hate and contempt before turning to me with curiosity in his eyes.

"I can't find her anywhere." The younger Salvatore says when he rushes into the boarding house. Before stopping beside his brother. "Hello, Stefan." Elijah speaks up. "He has Elena." The fun one states, "Actually she's with Rebekah and Mieczyslaw." The Brooding bros look at each other confused at the mention of M, but before they can question it Elijah speaks up again, "And as you can imagine, my sister is just dying yo tear her throat out." Elijah speaks with a bit of amusement in his voice. 'This silent psycho' I think to myself before smirking.

"So if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help me stop my mother." He finished before waiting for the Salvatores to answer. "I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing 1000 year old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty." Damon says. "Yes unfortunately, even when killed, my mother doesn't want to stay dead. Not with the spirits of nature at her side." Elijah states, obviously hiding a plan that I can guess involves me since I'm here.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Stefan asks walking forward. "The witches that released my mother. She's drawing her power from their bloodline. That line needs to be broken." Elijah tells him. "Broken?" Thing 2 asks before Thing 1 speaks up, "Yeah he means:" before doing the throat slit action. "You want us to kill them." Thing 2 states again, 'no shit Sherlock, Jesus christ no wonder they need my help'

"You know I'd do it myself.... but i have absolutely no idea where they are. Besides seeing me, they'd immediately know my intent. They wont expect to be harmed by the like of you. In any case... you have until 6 minutes after 9 to find them. Oh and Lucy here will be accompanying you, she will be the one to kill them while you escort her to the witches." I smirk at Elijah happy that I get to do this. "Oh how super specific of you. And why does witchy here have to be the one to kill them?" Damon wonders. "Because..." I speak up grabbing both boys attention, "By 9:07 the moon will be full and Esther will have the power she needs. To kill my friend and his family. Also I need to be the one to kill them because, the more witches I kill, the more powerful I become." I say with an innocent smile while they look at me shocked.

I look over at Elijah telling him to finish this off "If you do not stop her before then... Rebekah will kill Elena. So we all have our timeline." He says before leaving. Both boys are silent before I speak up, "C'mon Tweedledum and Tweedledee. I suggest we get started." I say before walking past them patting Stefan on the shoulder.

Mischiefs POV:

Im currently outside the caves letting Beks speak to Elena alone since they have some unfinished business to attend too. However I rush back when I hear Beks gasping for air. I speed in to see Rebekah desiccated on the ground, I pin Elena to the wall "What happened" I growl in her face, "I-I-I dont know" she stutters clearly afraid of me, I let her go and go to tend to Rebekah, I hear her escape but I dont quite care at the moment.

A few moments later, Rebekah starts to come too again, she gasps awake as I am quick to hold her, "Hey, Hey you okay." I ask, "Yes im fine darling, wheres Elena?" She questions looking around panicked, "She went that way, She ran when I was tending to you." I confess, she looks at me softly before grabbing my hand and we both run after Elena.

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