Party time!!

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This will include: cursing partying getting drunk mabey a little ity bit of smut angst and fluff if that stuff dosent sound like your cup of tea bai bai.

                                                                                                                        Sapnaps pov

" Hey karl! Dream is having a party wanna go with me? pweaseeeee" Karl look at me with his cute little brown eyes." Okay we can go when is it?" I hugged him tight." Tonight at 8pm." It was 6 pm so we had 2 hours to get ready. " Fancy or more like a drinking party?" I kissed his neck slightly. "Sapnap you do that while drunk." He flip around from putting away some dishes to look at me. I grabbed his waist and pulled him close and kissing him softly." Its a drinking party" He  nodded looking happy. We both hated getting all fancyed up if we didnt have to. I  liked going out,getting drunk and of course $mexy  time. Meanwhile karl likes staying in,cuddling but we had something in commen. We both like $mexy time. " You got get ready i'll pack the drinks we have if we need." Oh yeah we both also like drinking. Karl cant take as much as me and gets drunk after a few drinks but i can stay sober after atleast 10 more than karl( I dont know how achool works im just a fucking kid.) "Okay its not like we have much to get ready for. Its just the smp."  Karl laughed. "Just the smp?" I rolled my eyes." You knew what i ment." He rolled his eyes back. "Just get ready and bring me down some clothes." I let go of karl and ran upstairs. I changed my clothes to something better for partying. A lose white t-shirt with a painted fire on it. Karl painted it for me. We had a date night where we painted each other t-shirts. Karl painted a small fire on mine and a couple other things on the sleeves and back just small little things like burn markes as a joke. I painted his with the classic swerl and some green blobs. Like a worm hole. We showed each other the after results. I had no idea that karl was so talnted he was amazing. I also grabed some tight jeans. I grabbed karl a hoodie and the shirt i painted for him. I fiurged he might want just some basic leggings. " BABY COME HERE!!" Karl needs some help. Packing drinks most likly. I grabbed the lothes and ran down staris. I threw the clothes on the table and went to see if karl was okay. I went to the pantry where we keep the warm drinks." You okay babe?" I saw karl sitting on the floor with some drinks next to him. " I kinda feel down and need help caring the drinks." We only had drinks in big boxs which were heavy for karl." Yeah I can help. Did you hurt yourself? You know you should be more carful." I was worried for karl. "No no im fine just fell when picking up the box." I helped him up off the ground pulling him close. "I'll get it. The clothes are on the table." I let go of him to let him go grab the clothes and change. I put the canned drinks that wernt in packs in on the sheelves. I then grabbed both boxs of beer. I walked out to see karl putting the clothes on. I put down the boxs to enjoy  the view. I bit my lip taking it all in. I got lost in my own thoughts picturing karls body.( I said smut i meant smut i hope my family dosent see this TwT) That i didnt evem notice him walking up to me shirtless." Awww is somebody trying to spy on little ol karl." I snapped out of my thoughts suprised to see him staring up at me. I looked down at him smirking." You know what i wanted to see." I grabed his chin and pulled his face up to mine." So why dont you show me it?" Karl rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand pulling it down. He walked to the table grabbing his shirt. He put it on keeping his eye on me." Wait till after the party babe." Well thats unfourtnet i wanted to make him mine. " Awww man. Well thats okay atleast I get to." Karl grabbed my clothes and walked over to me. " Your lucky i didnt throw this at you." I grabbed me clothes and walked into the pantry."and your lucky i didn't change infront of you." I could only imagin karl rolled his eyes. I took off my shirt and started changing." You mean im unlucky." I chuckled. I finshed changing and walked out. Karl grabbed the car keys and looked at the clock.  I looked at it aswell turing the corner. 7:45 "Lets go it takes a while to get to dreams house." Karl rolled his eyes cause he knew that only i knew way to dreams house. He tossed the keys to me in a anyonned manner. " Yeah yeah lets go." We walked out of the house to get to the car. I turned around to lock the door. Karl was already in the car on the passenger side." I got in on the driver side looking over at karl. His arms corssed angry that he didnt get to drive. "Atleast you get to ride two things." I said while winking. Karl didn't get it first and looked confused. When he finally got it he became super red. " You know i wouldn't mind that." He turned twoards me and but his elbow on the middle consel. He used his hand to grab my cheeks. He winked at me making my face all red. " After the party baby." The way he said baby always got me. I shut the door once I got in still looking at karl. " Somebody wants it before the party thats for sure." I reached over and grabbed karls hips. He was suprised by me suddenly grabing him so I took the chance to bring him over to me. I threw his body over the middle consel on to my lap making sure not to hit anything. " Well we have a couple mintues before the party." When karl had finally calm down and prosses what happened he deiced to play with my heart and put his hand on my cheek. Then he kissed me softly but it was so sudden I didnt know what to do but kiss back. " I said after the party. Baby~" God damn it always playing with my heart. But I love him so much. " Mhmm you know I like when you say it like that. Fine lets just get this over with so i can have some fun." (I'm cringing so hard right now none if you even know it.) Karl laughed at my needyness. He then crawled back over to his side of the car." Dont forget the drinks." CRAP The beer i so forgot the beers. "Right what would I do with out you my kitten." I knew that nickname would get karl.  He loves it or rather he hates it. He always goes all red. I hoped out of the car and opened up the car door in the back. I grabbed the keys and opended up the door. Then I threw the keys on the couch and went to grab the boxs of beer. I lifted them up no problem. I opened the door still caring the beer boxes. I sat them down in the car." Baby? you ready to go the party's starting soon." Karl looked back at me worried we would miss the party. " Dont worry we will be there in time one sec i gotta grab something." I ran inside quickly grabbing a look at the clock.7:55. I had to hurry and grab the "Thing". I knew we would need it to night. I was making sure we would need it." BABY COME ON WERE GONNA BE LATE." I ran downstaris shoving it in my pocket. "I know I know get in the car." Karl ran out and hoped in the car as quick as he could. I grabbed the keys and jumped into the car. I started the car and speed off to dreams staying at the speed limt. " What did you have to grab before we left?"I chuckled lightly. " You'll see later tonight. Trust me i'll make sure of it." Karl seemed worried but exicted to see what it was. I checked the clock 8:05. We were kinda late but not to late. Dream only lived like 3 more mintues away.  When we got there it was a giant house. "I didn't know that dream had such a big house." Considering that dream had over 10 mil subs on youtude at 21 I wasn't suprised. " Well come on lets go." I unlocked the car and hoped out. I hear karl jump out almost tripping over nothing. Thats karl always some clumsy but thats why i love him. I grabbed the beer boxs and went to dreams door. I could hear music inside. Dream always had the most cool party's. Before karl had a chance to knock Dream had opened up the door greeting us. " You guys are late. But thats no problem come on you can put the drinks on the table." We all laughed at dream remark. Karl and I walked inside. We both walked over to the drink table. Karl grabbed a can of beer and I placed the boxes on the table and started to unload the drinks. "Come on baby lets go dance." Karl grabbed my wrist tugging me to the dance floor." Okay okay babe just one sec.Let me finsh then we can dance." I finshed unloading the drinks not to long. " Please come on I wanna dance." Karl was so needy some times." Alright lets go but first let me grab a drink." Karl sighed. I felt bad all he wanted to do was dance. I grabbed a small cup of beer and turned around to see karl but he wasnt there. I looked around to see where he was but no karl in view. I set me drink down on the table and started looking for george or dream to help me find karl. (I just realsed how long ive been in sapnaps pov but its my story ill do what i want and change it when i want but i am sorry T.T) I saw dream standing next george. " Dream!" I called out to dream I was really worried for karl. " Sapnap whats wrong are you okay? Wheres karl?" Looks like dream is worried too. " I dont know! I need your help please. Im really worried for him." Dream and george nodded to help me. "Alright come back in five mintues if you cant find him. text me if you do."  George ran off to the dance floor. Dream ran upstaris and I ran around the dance floor about five times. I got a text from dream."Dude help karl and some guy are going upstaris. Karls drunk and the guy inoxcted him it looks like." I ran to the bottem of the staris and saw karl pushed up agsnt the rail of the stairs. A guy was looming over him mouthing something and going in for a kiss. I ran up the stairs pushing me between karl and the dude." WHAT THE FUCK BRO!? Get out of the way. I wanna have some fun with the pretty little boy behind you." He licked his lips looking over my shoulder to karl. Dream turned up behind the dude. " Hey i said the rules were no flirting with people who have boy friends or girl friends. Leave him alone or leave." The dude shoved dream down the staris." Make me bitch. Who even are you?"I wanted to punch him so hard in the face just for that. But i knew if missed and fell down the staris he would hurt karl. But i dont miss. I punched him right in the cheek. " Oh im gonna kill you!"

                                                                                                                      Karls pov
I cant control my own body. I fell like passing out my head hurts so bad. I closed my eyes for a second then i saw dream at the bottem of the staris and the back of sapnaps shirt. Before i could even close my eyes agian i saw a guy on the staris yelling at sapnap. " Try me bitch i'll kill you for even getting near my boyfriend." It was sapnaps voice. "sap... i do-dont feel good c-can we go home?" I saw sapnap turn around to face me. He hugged me and wispered in my ear." Just one second baby i'll make sure you feel good when we leave okay?" I goanded. I want to know what he ment by make me feel good." I"ll take that as a yes." He turned back around to face the guy who was on the staris. All i remember was one second i was on the dance floor drinking a drink that the guy gave me and told me that it was from dream. God damn it now i know what happened how coukd i be so stupid. Then i was on the staris almost touching the dude. Oh god i dont think he.. Did he? I looked back down at the bottem of the staris to see if dream was okay but there was just a bunch of people screaming fight. My head hurts even more now. oh no...

                                                                                                                   Sapnaps pov

"KARL!!" I let go of the dude and rushed over to make sure karl didn't fall. He had passed out from the guy drugging him. I started crying worried for him." SAPNAP MOVE!!" I heard dream scream at me. I turned around karl in my arms to see dream punching the guy. It looked like he was about to punch me straghit in the head.( im sorry for all the misspellings in this not even grammerly can help me.) I saw dream running towards me and karl. " Here you finsh this i'll make sure karl dosent get hurt then you two should head home." I nodded wanting revenge for karl and the dude almost killing me.( Holy fuck i just look at the words and so far 2419 the fuck this could become a 6 part series but i wanna finsh this in one part don't read this all in one though im sorry this is so long lol.)  I stood up karl in my arms looking over at the dude. " Nevermind Im going to go home and take care of karl. You handle him." I heard the guy start chuckeling. " Awww somebody to pussy to fight me. Over just a stupid boy. Hes worthless hes just a toy and a stupid little bitch." I groweld super angry now. " Change of plans dream you take karl down staris and get him to a safe place. I'll deal with this son of a bitch." I Handed karls passes out body to dream who put him up right and helped him down staris." As for you,you son of a bitch, who do you think you are insulting my boyfriend. Dont you know who i am." He looked me up and down."No why should i?" I chuckled lightly."Because im your worst nightmare. I would have left you alone but you called my boyfriend a toy. And i dont take that lightly." I punched that asshole right in the face." Alright fine you win. I dont care about you little boyfriend." I growled in anger. I rushed past the crowed of people to see dream fighting off other guys trying to get near karl. I ran towards dream. All i could think about was maling sure karl wasn't hurt. " HEY BACK OFF ASS HOLES!!" When the dudes saw me coming theu stopped attacking dream and ran off. Guess they heard what happened with the other guy. "Dream are you okay? Did they hurt you? Did they hurt karl?" Dream stood up. He was on the ground not hurt though." Im fine they couldnt get to karl. I wouldn't let them touch him." I grabbed karl leaning him up right." Has he woken up at all?" Dream nodded sadly. " Were going home we'll talk to you later dream." Dream sighed. I had no choice karl was passed out. I dont think the guy really drugged him. Karl was just drunk. Well looks like he won't get to see what i packed for him. Im not taking any chance's while he's drunk. I picked karl up and walked out the door. I had dream unlock the car then toss me the keys when i got karl in. I drove off back to my house. I made sure karl didnt fall over when i turned. " babe where are we?" Karl talked quitely i could barly hear him" babe do you remember any thing did the guy drug you?" Karl nodded no. It gave me such relife but i didnt know if i could compltly go by what karl said" Are you sure cause i dont wanna asume your fine when your not." Karl sat up staright." I may not be competly sober but i promise you im sober enough i was just really drunk back there. Please belive me. Baby~" I groaned at the way he said it. Why must he always say it like that.( Okay sorry but this is gonna go to 2 parts I know what i said earlier but to many words for one dont worry i wont make you wait long for part 2. 3000 words so far og my god thats way to much for one chapter part 2 is gonna be about the same tho lol.)                                                                                              

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