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The next day Wooyoung woke up from hearing his mom's voice. "Sweetie~ it's time for breakfast!" She said in the sweetest voice which made Wooyoung want to cry. "Mom where did you go? Why did you disappear so suddenly?" Wooyoung asked while getting out of bed and walking to her.

She chuckled and smiled widely. "Destiny is a real thing" she said suddenly. "Mom? What are you talking about?" Wooyoung asked confusedly. "Just come and hug me" she said while opening her arms. Wooyoung ran into her arms but he didn't feel anything, no warmth, no happiness, no safety. "Mom?" Wooyoung looked up at her.

She was disappearing so slowly but she never stopped smiling. "MOM!! Mom don't leave me! Please" Wooyoung suddenly felt arms around his waist and heard a gentle but raspy voice calling his name. "Wooyoung! Wake up baby" the voice said but Wooyoung kept looking at his disappearing mom. "Please.... not again" he suddenly woke up and looked around while crying. "It's okay baby" San said while kissing his forehead gently. "N-no where's my m-mom?" Wooyoung asked brokenly.

San sighed and put him on his lap. "We're still looking for her baby" San said while sighing softly. "Look at me" San said as the smaller. "We're really going to find her and your father....I promise" San said while smiling before he cuddled Wooyoung into his arms. Soon enough he heard small snores coming from the boy. "....what am I going to do?" San whispered.

1 hour later:

San woke up from the sound of small taps on the window so he gently got up without waking up the younger and checked. "How are we supposed to go anywhere now?" He asked himself while watching the water droplets land on the window. San sighed and looked at his phone 4:28 PM was the time. "We slept for a long time..." He whispered to himself before starting to make himself coffee to keep himself awake and aware. Wooyoung of course was still sleeping peacefully while enjoying the warm of the big covers.

Suddenly there was knocking on his door so he looked through the peep hole abd saw his friends, Mingi and Yunho trying to cover themselves from the rain. San opened the door and let them in. "What were you guys doing out there?" San asked while closing the door. "We were walking to the nearby mall but it started raining so we came to the nearest place we knew" Yunho explained while shivering a little. "Can you give him a blanket please? He might get sick" Mingi said softly while looking at Yunho directly even though he was talking to San. San sighed and went into his room and grabbed two blankets and two towels. "Here you go! Dry yourselves first" San said while forgetting COMPLETELY that his friends didn't know that Wooyoung was staying at his house. "Thank you!" Yunho and mingi said while starting to dry themselves with the warm towels.

"Why is it so warm?" Yunho asked while looking at San. "I have a towel warmer for some reason and this time it was actually helpful" San chuckled in his usual high pitch which surprised both Mingi and Yunho. "Oh my god!! He's laughing again!! That means he's happy" Mingi said excitedly while smiling widely which displayed his beautiful gummy smile (Mingi might be back so writing about him makes me so happy 🥰🥰) Yunho couldn't help but to smile as well from seeing the contagious smile of San and especially Mingi. "I guess so" San said while smiling even more from thinking of the reason that he's happy which is definitely Wooyoung but he couldn't say that just yet.

"I'll get you guys some clothes to change into!" San said while going to the big closet of clothes but not before checking to see if the small boy was sleeping. "He's adorable" he whispered since he saw that the younger was still sleeping peacefully and probably very comfortably. San closed the door and grabbed clothes for the two boys. "There are two bathrooms on each side on the living room so go on and change there" Mingi and Yunho nodded while going directly to the bathroom. San dried the places that were stained with footprints. San then set up a set of games to play on his old PS4 that was still working. He grabbed three controllers and turned them all on while leaving the other 2 controllers that were left to charge. After a few minutes Yunho and Mingi came out of the bathroom but mingi was shirtless since the shirt didn't fit him. Yunho stared directly at Mingi's abs. "Why a-are you shirtless?" Yunho asked frantically while blushing darkly. "This shirt is really small" Mingi said while not noticing the how panicked Yunho was. "Here" San said as he have Mingi a bigger shirt. "Thanks but why do you have big shirts? Do you have a girlfriend who likes big shirts?" Mingi asked while smirking. "Or a boyfriend" Yunho added quietly. "Yunho are you sure that you're not gay?" Mingi asked while raising an eyebrow. "N-no!!! I'm straight bro...hehe....umm..I already had like three girlfriends isn't that enough proof?!! Why are you asking me that all of a sudden...d-did someone tell you something?" Yunho spoke so quickly and while looking at mingi. "Umm.... okay??" Mingi said before putting his attention on San who was laughing his ass off. "Wow Yunho that was the best explanation I've heard my whole life" San said as he looked at the very confused Mingi. "Why is he laughing?" Mingi asked Yunho. "I hate you San" Yunho said while pouting and suddenly Wooyoung popped out of his room and rubbed his eyes.

"Hyungs.....?" Wooyoung suddenly said while  walking to them slowly and with a blanket.

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