Back To Zero

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Cr: in the pic. (Sorry, I can't crack the code)

Before anything, I know that I have Never In Your Eyes to complete but I am in a pit now with that story. While I am gathering my thoughts on that one, I thought I will start updating this one. This was meant to be a one-shot when I started writing about one year ago. But because it exceeded more than 10000 words, I think I will divide it and make a few chapters. This story won't be more than 8 chapters, max. I have almost finished this one so, it won't take my time as much. I will be working on the other one too.

I have seen fans asking for narusasu, and because I can't start with the other one yet, I will give you guys this one first. Hope you will like this one as much!


A rushed blond arrived at the appointed place where his crush was waiting for him. He comb his hair back with his hand to style it after it was covered with caps for the walk here. A smile appeared on his lips and his heart beats fast as he feel restless with excitement. What he thought to be impossible was actually happening. He would never dare to think about the brunette calling him, out of the blue after avoiding him for weeks but it had happened. To be honest, he didn't think a time like this would ever come. But now that it arrived, maybe he still had a chance. He smiled to himself, encouraging, before entering the restaurant and his smile immediately faded to the sight of his crush being there with someone else.

"Naruto, have a seat." A pink-haired beauty who goes the same year as the brunette welcomes him when he approaches the table slowly.

"... Sakura-senpai." Naruto forced a smile while wondering what he have got himself into. This was not what he expected.

"You can sit here." The brunette who have asked Naruto to this diner said after scooting over, letting him sit beside him. He then gestured to the waiter for another glass for the awaited one.

                     Naruto though was completely dumbfounded still sit down and smiled politely at the other girl beside Sakura. He thought he had seen her at the university too.

"Thanks!" Naruto said when the waiter comes with his glass. He takes a quick look at the person beside him who is sipping his drink, hoping it was not what he was thinking but the other one did not meet his eyes. His heart sink to his feet, and uneasiness occupied him as something told him to get up and run.

"It's nice that you could come." Sakura said while she picks up a piece of meat from the stove and put it on Naruto's plate.

"I didn't believe Sasuke when he told me you agreed to come. Yet here you are."

                     Naruto forced himself to smile, yet again as she laughed. He could feel cold sweat forming, his hands sweaty and so were his feet. Yes, he is anxious. He is stressed.

"By the way, this is Hinata. She is my junior." Sakura introduces the shy girl beside her. The girl who has wanted to befriend Naruto but was too shy to take the first step, at least by herself.

"I hope you can be friends with her."

'Did Sasuke know about this?' Naruto can't help but think and was surprised by his thought, who was he kidding? Of course the brunette sitting quietly beside him knew. He turn to look at Sasuke again for an explanation, hands clenching onto his sweatpants, caps forgotten on the floor as they fell. So, this was what Sasuke was up to. After all the things and the confession, this was Sasuke's answer? How cruel. How long would Sasuke go to hurt him? He was the only one being happy like a fool, isn't he?

"Nice to meet you, Naruto-k-..." Hinata flinched when the chopsticks in Naruto's hand snaps into four pieces.

"... I am sorry! I don't feel that well." Naruto stands up from his seat. He pick up his cap that fall from the table before clenching the blue cap as he tried to pull himself together.

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