Only A Glimpse Would Have Been Enough

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Cr: art to the rightful owner.🙏

Let's give you guys a new chapter of this story!! Yay!!!


Kiba has once again made it his obligation to visit his friend and now leaning himself against the sofa in Naruto's living room. He glanced at the blondie who sipped the beer without making any effort to start any conversation.

"Aren't you too harsh toward Sasuke?" Kiba have never thought between Naruto and Sasuke, a time like this would come. Especially, from Naruto's side.

"I did what I had to do." Naruto said while gazing at the now-darkened sky outside the window. The starless sky that is just like his emotion now that doesn't have a glint of brightness.

"Are you sure you love him?" Kiba asked, not that he doubted Naruto's feelings but the way Naruto cut off Sasuke was, in his eyes, too easy and harsh.

                     Naruto turns to look at his friend, not understanding the question.

"You never let go of things you love easily. Why didn't you pursue Sasuke more than this?"

"You are talking like you don't know me. And I thought you were my best friend." Naruto said almost disappointed.

"What do you mean?" Kiba questioned back with a raised brow as his friendship was underestimated.

"I have done what I can." Naruto looked away from Kiba before deciding to pour his heart out. All the emotions he has bottled up inside him that he hasn't told anyone;

"Before... I was afraid I might lose everything if I ever showed the slightest feeling for him. I thought it was enough to stay by his side, even just as a friend. But... the feelings inside me, they... they just keep on increasing. It was overflowing to the point I was afraid of even being near him."

                     Kiba didn't interrupt Naruto, instead, he sit there, quietly, listening to the painful love story of his friend. He could hear the pain, the misery in his friend's voice which sometimes stuck in his throat as he tried to control his emotion.

"And then... then... Sasuke was about to graduate and I... I panicked. I start to question myself if I... if I will be able to stay with that unrequited love of mine when he is leaving, you know?"

                     Kiba nodded but didn't say anything and Naruto continued;

"I started to think if I should let him know and... and see if he has the smallest feeling toward me. I thought I could hold onto that and make it even greater but... he... Sasuke isn't like me."

"You already told me you confessed to him. But did... did Sasuke decline your confession?" Kiba just wanted to know if Sasuke straight out refused Naruto.

"Would I... have let go of him if not?" Naruto asked with a frown because he would be smiling, clinging to Sasuke if he ever got a chance, even if it is only minor.

'That is why you have been avoiding him with everything you have got, huh?' Kiba thought as he had seen how Naruto run at the sight of Sasuke. Even goes as far as avoiding the circle of Sasuke's friends just so he won't run into him.

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