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wooooooooooo, we did it, we made 16K reads. How we all feeling? Cause I feel proud as hell rn.

Okay, besides that, thank you all so much for 16K, when I started writing this story, Lumity was rising (and at the same time I had another Lumity fic in the works that never saw the light of day), so in all honesty, I didn't think this story wouldn't gain any traction. Oh boy, I was so wrong. Might've been the Grom effect or something or other, but all of a sudden, it blew up! Like holy shoot.

And if you're curious, the other fic I had was called, "Amity, The Witch That Ratted Luz Out" Back when Luz and Amity had more of a enemies to lovers dynamic rather than the enemies to friends to lovers dynamic they have now. Yeah, that fic, along with The Owl House, is a year old. 

So, enough about that, I didn't promise it, but I did it anyway, here's a 16K special! It's not memey, I swear.


King was not an expert on love. Nor did he claim to be. Demons, especially fearsome one's like him, were beings incapable of romantic love. But, that didn't stop him from feeling jealous. Not of love, of course. But rather, what love did to Luz. 

How cheerful she was, even though she was always cheerful. How she doted on her girlfriend, who if she had not forgotten was an cupcake crusher and a meanie. King, for the life of him, did not understand what was so special about Amity that it made Luz forget about the most important thing in the universe; HIM. 

So as of late, he had been sleeping on the couch a lot more often and would place his stuffed animal army all across it. And when Amity wanted to sit down, he would growl at her and shoo her away. This didn't come without any backlash though, as Luz would glare at him anytime he did this. Eventually after a month of doing it, Luz complained to Eda, who kicked him out of the house for several hours...with the owl tube.

"And I saw a green owl, and he was handsomeeeee, hoot hoot." 

Dear Titan, King couldn't handle it. 

Of course, being the rational demon he was, he tore up the pathway in front of the house and threw a temper tantrum, loud enough so Luz and Amity could hear. 

"Uh, Luz?" Amity said, hearing the squeal of rage. "I think your dog has some issues." 

"Don't worry, he's always like that." Luz replied. 

Hooty, unaware of what a temper tantrum was, joined in with the noise, screeching at the top of his owl lungs. 

"Luz, you are aware there are other places we can have a book club meeting, right?" Amity asked. "I know, I know. Eda said that your parents sent out a search party last night for you, so she said we couldn't go out today." Amity sighed, her ears pointed down. 

Meanwhile, Hooty had poked his head through the window to the kitchen and broke into the utensils. And oh Titan, he has a fork. Oh no. Still screeching, he slithered back to the entrance and starting stabbing the fork into the wall, making more noise of metal bending and breaking combined with whining and screeching. 

Finally, Amity had enough. Growling, she stomped her way downstairs and slammed open the front door causing Hooty to crush his neck a little bit. Picking up King back the collar, she stared at him with a blazing fury. "Will. You. Cut. It. OUT?!" She yelled. King hissed, squirming in her grip. "Well, I'll stop," King said. "If you leave. You take up all of Luz's time, and she never has time for me. " 

"I'll never stop making noise, hoot hoot." Hooty hooted. "You're next." Amity hissed at Hooty. 

"Did you ever think about maybe that my parents are trying to find me and I have no other place to go? Luz is trying to protect me and I'm trying to protect her too. I'm sorry that Luz never has time for you, but maybe you need to consider that you're not the center of everything. " 

King was silent. Frustrated, Amity let go of King, and made her way back into the house, not before giving Hooty a death glare. 

Later that evening, King was let back into the house, although Hooty was still stabbing the wall with a fork. Amity and Luz were on the couch and both looked over at him. Sighing, King took out a piece of paper (from his skull head? I don't know, King has a weird design) He handed it to Luz, who took it. 

"Luz, the other one,

I'm sorry. I'm not a very poetic demon, so that's all you're getting out of me. 

P.S: green thing, apologize for the cupcake, you monster. 

~ King"

Luz laughed and handed the paper over to Amity, who giggled in return. Patting the couch next to her, Luz smiled at King. Happily, maybe, King jumped up and curled up next to Luz. The three of them sat in contented silence until-

"I'm still waiting for an apology." King said. "You're not getting one." Amity replied. 


I don't know what convinced me to write this, but I just had an idea of King throwing a temper tantrum because no one was paying attention to him. Is it kind of stupid? Yeah. Did I enjoy writing it? Yeah. But hey, if you wanted more fluff for a special chapter, how about this?


Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward
Straight past, I don't cut corners
I make a point to be on time
Head of the student council
I don't black out at parties
I jam to Paul McCartney
If you asked me how I'm doing
I'll say... well

I was adopted when I was two
My parents spoiled me rotten, often
I ask myself what did I do
To get as far as I've gotten
A pretty girl walks by my locker
My heart gives a flutter but I don't dare utter a word
'Cause that would be absurd
Behavior for "Little Miss Perfect"

Na-na-na-na-na- no
I can't risk falling off my throne
La-la-la-la-la- love
Is something I don't even know

Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward
Straight girl
"Little Miss Pеrfect"
That's me

One night, my friеnd stayed over
We laughed
And drank and ordered
Something about her drew me in...
What? It's totally platonic
That night, was so exciting
Her smirks were so enticing
Hours speed by like seconds
Then, what happens is iconic

She takes a sip
I bite my lip
She tells a joke
I nearly choke
She braids my hair
I sit there, blacking out for the first time
Next thing I know
I lose control
I finally kiss her but oh no
I see a face in my window
Then my brain starts to go:

Na-na-na-na-na- no
You can't risk falling off your throne
La-la-la-la-la- love
Is something you don't even know

Na-na-na-na-na- no
You can't risk falling off your throne
La-la-la-la-la-la- love
You don't even know

Rewind, induce amnesia
Deny the truth, it's easier
You're just confused
Believe her
When she says that there's nothing there
It's never worth it...
When you're "little miss perfect"

When Witches Connect Over Literature (Lumity Fanfic) (The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now